пятница, 27 апреля 2018 г.

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Revisão do cartão de crédito de Hdfc Bank Infinia.

Revisão de cartão de crédito da Infinia & # 8211; Um dos melhores cartões de crédito na Índia.

Banco Hdfc & # 8211; o pioneiro na indústria de cartão de crédito surgiu com uma oferta única de alguns anos atrás para os indianos ultra ricos & # 8211; o cartão de crédito Infinia. Como o nome significa, denota possibilidades ilimitadas em todos os aspectos. Este é um dos melhores cartões de crédito super premium na Índia que todos os entusiastas de cartão de crédito sonham. A razão é a sua infinita capacidade em quase tudo o que oferece a partir do acesso ao lounge para campos de golfe. Este é o cartão que eu quero pegar um dia ou outro por razões óbvias e eu estou no meio do caminho 🙂

Vamos ver por que é tão especial.

Benefícios exclusivos do cartão de crédito Infinia:

Limite de crédito super alto:

O Cartão de Crédito da Infinia se enquadra no & # 8220; Visa INFINITE & # 8221; ou "Master Card World" & # 8221; variante e vem com um limite de crédito mínimo de 10Lakhs. Eu já ouvi pessoas segurando no limite 7Lakh embora. Eles dizem que tem um recurso exclusivo de NPSL * (sem limite de gastos pré-definidos). No entanto, você precisa estar ciente de que você não pode simplesmente ir em frente e comprar uma Ferrari imediatamente? como eles terão limites internos que serão aumentados se julgados razoáveis ​​olhando em seus registros passados.

Love EMI? Você pode colocar qualquer coisa e tudo na EMI por anos junto com esse tipo de limite de crédito quando ficar sem dinheiro. Você pode manter seus fundos de negócios flutuando por 50 dias com seu período de juros livre usando uma linha de crédito mais alta. Você pode aproveitar uma quantidade maior de empréstimo e & amp; Insta jumbo Empréstimo no cartão de crédito que tem taxas de juros muito boas, se você estiver procurando por um dinheiro rápido.

Impressionante taxa de recompensa de 3,3% em cada gasto:

Você ganha 5 pontos de recompensa por cada 150.rs gasto em qualquer lugar e em qualquer lugar, sem quaisquer restrições. Isso lhe dá uma quantidade equivalente de Rs.3.30 para cada rs.100 gasto. Você pode facilmente economizar Rs.3, 300 para cada 1 lakh gasto no cartão. Não apenas isso, você pode economizar 2X se gastar em restaurantes & amp; sites airvistara / hdfcbankinfinia, também 5x adicionados recentemente. Isso é equivalente a Rs.6, 600 em economia para cada 1 Lakh gasta.

Taxa de Recompensa Padrão: 3,3% Taxa de Recompensa Acelerada: 6,6% (2X em Refeições / airvistara / hdfcbankinfinia) Taxa de Recompensa Acelerada: 16,5% (5X com comerciantes limitados)

Acesso Ilimitado ao Lounge em todo o mundo:

Com a adesão ao passe de prioridade, você pode obter acesso ilimitado aos lounges do aeroporto em todo o mundo. Uma das maiores vantagens deste cartão é que até mesmo o membro do cartão suplementar / complementar pode ter acesso gratuito ao lounge. Este recurso está disponível em poucos cartões na Índia. Isso é muito benéfico se você viaja com seus parceiros / filhos com frequência.

Muita economia e paz de espírito durante a viagem, descansando em um lugar confortável. Com Lounges, você tem acesso a comida de cortesia, wifi, café, interiores luxuosos, etc.

Pensando em uma turnê mundial com a família e acesso gratuito ao lounge em todos os lugares? O cartão de crédito da Infinia é para você !!

Viagem Estrangeira é mais recompensadora:

Taxa de marcação em moeda estrangeira: 2% + taxa de recompensa de imposto: 3,3% Ganhos líquidos: 1%

Ele tem a menor taxa de juros de 2% em moeda estrangeira, tornando-o o melhor cartão para roubar no exterior. Devo dizer que o cartão de crédito HDFC Bank Infinia é o melhor cartão de crédito para viagens internacionais que você pode ter.

Suporte mais rápido ao cliente & amp; Serviço de concierge pessoal:

Conecte-se mais rapidamente com o Infinia Phone Banker dedicado que pode ajudá-lo a fazer as coisas. Eles também são pouco informados. Seu serviço de concierge pessoal pode poupar muita dor de cabeça com o seu planejamento de viagem. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é ligar, dizer o que quiser e eles encontrarão o melhor negócio para você. Seja transferência de limusine ou táxi ou hotel ou qualquer outra coisa.

Cobertura de seguro atraente & amp; outras regalias:

Você tem cobertura acidental de acidente de ar de 1cr e 12L cobertura de hospitalização acidental no exterior. Então você não precisa fazer um seguro de viagem separado. A Infinia cobre todos vocês. Além disso, você também recebe isenção de sobretaxa de combustível (limitado a Rs.1000 / ciclo de faturamento) e você pode retirar dinheiro de até 40% do seu limite de crédito sem qualquer taxa de retirada de dinheiro, no entanto, interesses serão aplicáveis.

Avaliação CardExpert: 5/5.

Resgate de pontos de recompensa & amp; Milhas aéreas:

Bem, isso é bastante razões para segurar um. Infinia é o único cartão na Índia que pode fornecer benefícios inigualáveis ​​a uma taxa de adesão muito baixa. Este cartão é mais adequado se você deseja converter seus pontos de recompensa a serem resgatados para reserva / recarga de hotel / voo direto usando o site. Você também pode converter em milhas aéreas.

Mas se você deseja jogar com milhas aéreas, você precisa ir para o cartão de crédito HDFC Diners Jet enquanto recebe 5 milhas por cada 100.rs gastos. Considerando que na Infinia, você pode obter apenas.

3,3 Milhas JP para cada Rs.100.

Além disso, você também pode ir para diners club cartão de crédito preto. Eles executam promoções 10x com bastante frequência, o que pode poupar muito, com seus parceiros limitados. 10X promo é deus enviar e bate Infinia apenas por esse motivo.

Nota: cartões de crédito Diners tem problemas de aceitação, especialmente fora da Índia.

Considerações Finais sobre o Cartão de Crédito Infinia:

Então, a menos que ou até que você esteja muito incomodado em milhas aéreas, não há melhor cartão de crédito que você pode ter na Índia, exceto Infinia, especialmente para o Priority Pass. No entanto, obter aprovação para um não é tão fácil. Fale com o seu gerente de relacionamento HDFC se for elegível para o mesmo. Se você está achando difícil pegar um, considere ir para cartão de crédito Regalia que fica um passo abaixo Infinia. Impressionado com os recursos? Compartilhe seus pontos de vista.

Como obter aprovação para o cartão de crédito da Infinia?

Essa é uma pergunta de um milhão de dólares, no entanto, depois de saber sobre alguns dos portadores do cartão Infinia por um tempo, eu posso dizer: não é um jogo de criança. A maioria dos cartões de crédito HDFC Premium é emitida / atualizada com base no limite de crédito, mas a Infinia precisa de mais do que apenas limite. Você precisa de 45L ITR para obter o cartão novo, no entanto, para atualização, esta é a expectativa:

A faixa de 20 L pode ajudar a Very High a gastar com o cartão existente Máxima exposição a outros produtos HDFC, preferencialmente empréstimos, corrente a / c, OD, apólices etc.

Em outras palavras, você precisa ser um indivíduo de alta renda real (de acordo com o seu ITR), ou, deveria ter dado muitos lucros para o banco no passado para obter aprovação para a Infinia. Então, se perguntando por que as regras são tão rígidas? Bem, e se você roubar sua linda Priority pass 50 vezes por ano? Quem paga por isso? É surpreendentemente VOCÊ 🙂

Eles devolvem o que ganharam com seu relacionamento anterior com o banco & # 8211; aqueles lucros que eles fizeram em empréstimos, apólices de seguro, etc. Ainda confuso como por onde começar? Solte seus comentários abaixo, ou Catch me on call, eu posso chegar a uma solução sob medida com base na sua situação financeira para ajudá-lo a obter um. Confira minha página de consulta.

Um freak de cartão de crédito e recompensa por anos, começou a adicionar Airmiles nos últimos tempos. Obcecado com a aviação, lounges de aeroportos e viagens de luxo a um custo acessível.

184 pensamentos sobre & ldquo; Revisão do cartão de crédito de Hdfc Bank Infinia & rdquo;

Você precisa ter as taxas anuais do cartão quando você jorrar sobre o desconto de 3,3%. Não parece muito grande contra um 30kfee para entrar.

A taxa anual é dispensada em 8L gastos. Certamente faz sentido ter o cartão apenas para os grandes gastadores e amantes do salão do aeroporto.

Haverá uma taxa anual adicional para adicionar cartões para outros membros da família.

Não, as cartas complementares são geralmente gratuitas.

Qualquer elegibilidade de renda do estádio para um indivíduo assalariado com histórico de crédito decente no passado? Obrigado.

12L + on IT é um bom número para eles considerarem,

Mas alguns caras que eu conheço receberam como eles têm melhor valor de relacionamento com o banco. Depende completamente do perfil do cliente e o HDFC não possui nenhuma regra pré-definida para o mesmo.

Como posso solicitar este cartão de crédito? Eu não vejo nenhuma opção.

Sua convidar apenas cartão. Você deve perguntar ao seu RM ou visitar o branch.

Você disse que as taxas anuais são dispensadas se você gastar 8L por ano. Eu não pude encontrar nenhum desses links em nenhum lugar. Você poderia listar o link em seu site? No momento, eu tenho uma carta da Regalia, embora meus gastos por ano sejam muito mais do que o limite desejado.

Eu posso ver que não é mencionado em qualquer lugar agora. Mas eu vejo isso antes (um ano atrás). talvez eles tenham alterado as políticas agora. É melhor ter uma palavra com suporte a HDFC para mais informações.

Você já ouviu falar de casos em que este cartão é oferecido como um cartão gratuito vitalício? Eu tenho atualmente um cartão de regalia no qual eu gastei aproximadamente 6 lacs nos últimos 8 meses que eu tive o cartão. Queria saber se posso obter uma atualização gratuita vitalícia.

Envie-lhes um e-mail e experimente-o. Se o seu rendimento em TI e o valor do relacionamento forem bons o suficiente, eles podem emitir infinia como LTF.

Minha relação navio gerente disse que uma necessidade 25 lakh mais ITR para Infinia, tenho 14lakh e ele disse que vai tentar, mas não tenho certeza. As taxas são apenas 10.000 e não 30K. Quais são os outros cartões de 2 a 3 que oferecem acesso gratuito ilimitado ao lounge em todo o mundo e para adicionar no cartão também. Obrigado.

Você pode obter facilmente com essa TI se você usou a outra placa com HDFC por um ano ou mais. Eles precisam do seu histórico de uso ou do céu.

O Citi Prestige também tem acesso ilimitado.


Sim, para Cartões Adicionais, você precisa solicitar cartão de passe de prioridade separadamente na Linha de Ajuda da Infinia.

Muito obrigado.

Finalmente recebi o convite para o cartão infinia depois de um ano regalia eu recebi um convite para ligar para minha data de aniversário 2 de agosto uma coisa eu notei que com o banco hdfc que usam cartões muito menos como eu eles dão mais ofertas eu recebi este cartão apenas quatro anos de histórico de crédito com o banco hdfc e eu usei apenas um cartão e uma coisa interessante que eu quero dizer que eu pago toda a minha fatura de cartão de crédito antes da data de declaração gerada e meu uso é no meu regalia é apenas 1 a 5% de limite de crédito e enquanto limite de atualização no meu cartão antigo é de 3 lakh e iam um agricultor por ocupação sem itr.

Talvez eles estejam emitindo como seu histórico de 4 anos é bom, também depende de quanto saldo você está mantendo em sua poupança A / c.

Eu me esforcei para conseguir o cartão Infinia, mas ele foi rejeitado. Eu sou um cliente da Imperia e seguro a Regalia há muito tempo. Meu histórico bancário é muito bom, com um saldo muito alto mantido. Apesar disso, meu pedido foi rejeitado declarando que o salário de casa deve ser de 3,5 lakhs.

Obrigado pela postagem do blog incrível. Eu sou um super alto gastador. (2-3L passar um mês). Qual cartão devo optar (Infinia ou Regalia).

Obviamente, infinia, se você for elegível para isso.

Ei Siddharth & # 8230;.um fórum muito informativo, de fato!

você poderia fazer um artigo sobre os melhores cartões de crédito para todas as categorias, por favor?

Eu já possuo um cartão Amex Platinum.

Quer ir para outro cartão com uma sensação premium, mas um Master / Visa que é aceito em todos os lugares.

Qual é a pessoa que eu vou fr .. Passa no meu novo cartão será.

2 LPA .. como eu pretendo limitar meus gastos em AmEx para 4L .. para busca de benefício máximo. Além disso, eu folgo muito dinheiro, mas não gosto de pagar muito por uma taxa anual / renovação.

Estava considerando Regelia .. Ouvi dizer que eles estão rebaixando isso .. Ainda vale a pena? Ou alguma outra coisa?

Regalia ainda é bom. Você também pode fazer o checkout de cartões Yesbank / SBI. E, claro, a Infinia se você for elegível.

AMEX Platinum é um cartão de cobrança topo de linha na Índia. Vem para uma taxa legal de ₹ 50K / annum. Eu acho que você queria dizer AMEX Platinum Travel Card.

Nice fórum, eu sou um titular de regalia eu acho que desde atleast 4 & # 8211; 5 anos. Eles aumentaram constantemente o limite de 6 lakhs, o que eu presumo que seja o máximo de regalias. Eu quero atualizar para infinia mas eles dizem que é apenas por convite. Eu sou um gastador pesado com bom histórico de crédito com ITR de 13L. Eu sinto que não há muita clareza sobre a elegibilidade, especialmente depois de ler o caso de Sumit e VK. Será ótimo se você puder obter informações exatas sobre os critérios de elegibilidade para a infinia. Obrigado.

Fale com o seu ramo. Só eles podem obter aprovação se estiverem bem com o seu uso / limite, etc.

Com esse limite, você terá mais chances de obter o Infinia. Boa sorte 🙂

Uma vez que existe acesso ilimitado ao lounge através de um passe de prioridade, é possível obter o PP prestige / PP select ou o normal?

É normal com acesso ilimitado. É como se, HDFC compra uma quantidade maior de visitas do PP e distribuir vários cartões. O PP nem sequer sabe os limites / visitas disponíveis no seu cartão PP emitido pela HDFC.

Aqui está uma resposta que PP me deu quando pedi as visitas gratuitas:

De acordo com o número de associação que você forneceu, seu cartão do Priority Pass foi emitido para você pelo seu banco ou cartão de crédito. Eles emitem seus próprios cartões Priority Pass e administram suas próprias contas, portanto, será necessário contatá-los diretamente para obter informações da conta, informações de cobrança ou solicitações de materiais.

Você está ciente de que a HDFC pode emitir a Infinia como um Cartão de Crédito Garantido, uma vez que a HDFC já oferece cartões de crédito garantidos. Eu tenho três valores extremamente altos (acima de 50L + cada) em nome de três membros da minha família (separadamente, é claro) & amp; Eu gostaria de aproveitar o HDFC Infinia contra estes FD's com 70-80% do total de FD & # 8230;

Não tenho certeza sobre isso. No entanto, isso é um valor muito alto. Se você puder falar com o Gerente de Filial, ele pode conseguir para você sem nem mesmo fazer uma penhor no seu FD.

Tudo depende de quanto tempo você está lidando com o banco.

Obrigado pela sua resposta irmão. Eu estou em conversações com o banco para isso agora, & amp; Eu não tenho problemas se eles colocam um penhor sobre os FD's, a fim de obter o que eu quero 🙂

Eu só queria concordar que o cartão Hdfc infinia tem um limite mínimo de 10 L e não há limite superior predefinido.

minha consulta para você é, no card de infinia, o que é o limite de Crdit impresso \ mostrado?

Apenas os detentores da Infinia saberão disso. De qualquer forma, alguns cartões da Infinia também são fornecidos com & lt; 10L limite 🙂

Eu tentei falar com meu RM hoje, e eles mencionaram que precisam de um ITR - & gt; Lucro tributável de 36 lakhs para ser elegível para a Infinia, o que eu achava absurdo! Tenho mantido um Regalia por 1,5 anos e um cliente bancário HDFC Classic nos últimos 5 anos. Não sei como negociar com a HDFC para obter um cartão da Infinia? Por favor ajude!

Depende do seu limite de crédito. Em qual faixa você está?

Eu tenho isso como diretor de uma empresa. Minha renda estava abaixo de 10L e a renda da empresa estava acima de 1 Cr. Somos clientes do HDFC Bank há mais de 13 anos.

Fico feliz em ver um titular da Infinia aqui 🙂

Sim, isso deve ser possível porque o HDFC analisa o relacionamento geral com o banco.

Você disse que a Infinia dá valor de 3,3%, mas de acordo com o Catálogo de Recompensas da HDFC.

Vamos pegar exemplo de Shoppers Stop GV, para obter 500 Rs você precisa de 930 pontos (Categoria G)

para aquele que tem que gastar 27900, então o valor está chegando perto de 1,79% ao invés de 3,3%.

Estou enganado em algum lugar no cálculo acima.

Os pontos HDFC são melhor usados ​​quando você resgata nos respectivos portais,

como no portal infinia neste caso.

Onde, 1 ponto = 1 rupia (para comparação, 1 ponto em Allmiles = 0.25ps agora)

Resgates de catálogo são pobres sim.

Eu tenho regalia hdfc com limite de 530000.usando-o dos últimos 3 anos. Existe algum para obter infinia.

O limite é bom o suficiente para a atualização.

Eles olham para o uso também. Você se aproximou do ramo?

Uma pergunta pessoal por curiosidade. Qual é o limite de crédito no seu cartão Black Diners?

Obviamente eu não pude dizer isso.

Eu estou achando melhor o American Express Gold Card, deixe-me explicar.

Amex Gold Benefit é o Amazon GV 11000 para 24000 pontos.

para cada 4 furos de 1000 Rs você ganha 1000 pontos, então em um ano você ganha 12000 facilmente.

Para descansar 12000, você gastou 6 Lacs Ruppess (o AMEX Gold dá 2 por 100),

Então, se você gastar 6 Lac você ganha 11000 rs Amazon GV (há outros presentes, mas eu estou aceitando isso, pois isso dá valor monetário completo)

2% por 100 rúpias gastas em comparação com a Infinia, onde seu menor valor no resgate de catálogo.

Bem, com o cartão de crédito Gold, você pode obter crédito de declaração, que é a melhor opção do que vouchers.

Sim, eu expliquei este valor de 2% de volta no respectivo cargo da Amex.

O único desafio é a aceitação.

Sim, estou usando a partir de 2011 em Bangalore e Amex ficando cada vez melhor.

Eu recomendo fortemente AMEX Gold para quem pedir cartão de crédito.

Qual é o limite do cartão de ouro Amex.

Eu vou estar recebendo meu cartão Infinia em poucos dias, então eu estava procurando benefícios exatos de que meu interesse é mais em Atualização de meus vôos já cartão Air india SBI mal tratado neste transferi todas as minhas milhas para Air india apesar de cruzar Maharajah status milhas barreira Foi-me dito que eu não vou obter qualquer status bem que foi o meu erro eu deveria ter perguntado antes da transferência de todos os meus pontos de recompensa de qualquer maneira alguém pode me ajudar com exato Airmiles eu vou ganhar em anual gasto de 20 lacs exata como em i principalmente viagem pela Lufthansa, Emirates, Etihad e Turkish algumas vezes esse cartão da Infinia vai me ajudar nisso? Eu tenho Amex Platinum desde a década, juntamente com hsbc platinum e SBI Air India nenhum deles já me deu qualquer tipo de benefícios de vôo, mas pelo menos Amex ter sido muito muito gentil e eles prestam atenção para cada pequena coisa cliente pedir de volta para ajudar 🙂 Espero que alguém me guie como usar este cartão para minha viagem.

Use o cartão nas categorias 5x e 2x que o HDFC está promovendo nos dias de hoje. Isso fará com que você receba muitos pontos que podem ser trocados por voos como tickets de receita.

Btw, bom ver mais um membro da Infinia aqui.

Todos estariam interessados ​​em conhecer o seu processo de inscrição na Infinia. Sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar o mesmo 🙂

Recentemente, mudei meu negócio para a HDFC e estou recebendo a Infinia ou a Diners Club Black. Qual desses você recomendaria?

Ótimo trabalho com o blog. Espero ver mais posts.

Depende das suas áreas de gastos.

Eu recomendaria preto se você viajar / loja muitas vezes para aproveitar as suas recompensas de 10X.

Eu sou elegível para levar Infinia ou Diner Black. Meus maiores gastos são compras e passagens aéreas. É Diner preto melhor que a Infinia.

Eu queria saber por que há muita confusão sobre a Infinia e dificuldade em consegui-la, quando o cartão Gold da Amex também está tendo o & quot; NPSL & # 8217;

sendo a única diferença entre eles que um é um cartão de crédito e outro é um cartão de cobrança.

Infinia vem com um limite muito maior & # 038; benefícios contínuos em comparação com o cartão de ouro 🙂

Iam um usuário do cartão AMEX GOLD. A taxa de adesão foi de Rs 1000 + ST. Em um ano, os benefícios que tenho são,

1) Rs 10000 crédito para obter 24000 pontos MR. Isso eu fiz com tanta facilidade.

a) 5000 pontos de junção MR.

b) 12000 no cartão de despesas 4 vezes (Rs 10000 mais)

c) 1000 pontos para uma instrução permanente + 2000 pontos para cartão suplementar + outros gastos regulares.

2) Tenho Rs 20000 Tanishq voucher para gastar 2 lakhs em um mês.

3) Chegou Rs 15000 vouchers Taj.

4) Salvo Rs 1000 mais com 3% de combustível em dinheiro de volta.

No topo de tudo, o atendimento ao cliente inestimável.

Depois de ler este comentário, pedi ao meu pai (conta Classic com relações comerciais com HDFC) para solicitar esta atualização.

E HDFC BM disse que ele terá seu Ragalia atualizado para a Infinia gratuitamente (de qualquer forma, é gratuito, ele informou).

Também o meu é atualizado para Regalia (primeiro ou simples & # 8211; não tenho certeza, só tenho SMS)

Sem esses posts eu não teria conhecido todos esses detalhes. Eu disse muito obrigado, mas mais uma vez obrigado.

Divirta-se com a Infinia & # 038; sua regalia

Não sei como você calculou a taxa de recompensa de 3,3%. Por seu catálogo de recompensas, cada ponto vale normalmente de 0,5 Rs (500 compradores param o vale por 960 pontos). Então, para 150Rs, você recebe 2,5 Rupees em dinheiro de volta. Isso significa efetivamente uma taxa de recompensa de 1,66%?

Calculado com os resgates do site Infinia.

Você realmente precisa ser carregado para obter Infinia. Você precisa de um imposto mensal depois de levar para casa Rs. 3.5 L. Por contraste, você pode obter DC Black em apenas Rs. 1,75 L para levar para casa.

Eu tenho uma placa Regalia com Rs 600.000 / - limite. Tem usado isso nos últimos 2,5 anos. Falei com o meu RM sobre a atualização. Ele diz que apenas pessoas com ITR de 45 lakhs ou mais são elegíveis. Eu estou recebendo todos os tipos de ofertas em netbanking como Jumbo Loan de 10 Lakhs, Insta empréstimo de 450000 etc, exceto para a atualização indescritível para Infinia. My Regalia deve ser renovado em setembro. Devo esperar até setembro e ver se eles me oferecem essa atualização? alguma sugestão ?

Isso é um bom limite Hari.

Fale diretamente com o gerente da filial. Se o seu outro valor de relacionamento com o banco é decente, ele vai passar muito facilmente 🙂

Obrigado. Vou tentar.

Eu não estou segurando conta bancária com hdfc, mas usando hdfc cartão de crédito dos últimos 7 anos e agora segurando regalia (exploração de 1 ano passado) com 6Lakhs como limite. quando pedir atualização, eles mencionam é banco convidar e peço em banco eles mencionam precisam de 30L + como salário. é correto?

Com limite de 6L, você terá mais possibilidades de infinia, se você tiver seus outros produtos como poupança a / c.

A taxa anual foi reduzida para 10K nos dias de hoje.

posso usar o meu cartão pessoal do hdfc diner club black para minha compra de empresa privada limitada? e faça o pagamento do meu cartão na conta da empresa.

Isso depende muito de como você arquiva seu ITR, fale com o seu Auditor 🙂

Seu HDFC confirtmed não está considerando o limite de cartão existente para atualização para a Infinia.

O HDFC BM disse que a exigência de 3,5 de renda lacs / pm é obrigatória.

Ele disse que este critério está em vigor para que a exclusividade do cartão seja mantida.

Critérios é realmente muito rigoroso, no entanto, eles consideram seus limites, gastos e valor de relacionamento.

Como o hdfc infinia se compara ao prestígio do Citibank? Com relação a recompensas gerais, aceitação global e melhor retorno por dinheiro.

Depende de que tipo de redenção você prefere. O Citi Prestige é principalmente para pessoas que jogam o jogo Points and miles.

Posso emitir a infania como um cartão corporativo no meu negócio itr que é 50L +

Proprietário Negócios? se assim for, você tem uma chance.

Mais, é uma entidade completamente nova, pois vem com um PAN diferente.

Não Siddharth é uma empresa privada de LTD.

Então você pode ter uma chance se o atual a / c estiver com HDFC, o que significa mais valor de relacionamento.

Não, eu sou um cliente sbi.

Tenho cartão de crédito com assinatura Axis Bank Visa desde 2013 com bom histórico de crédito, limite de 1,9 l. Recentemente adquirido Regalia Business, limite de 3L e um Elite SBI, limite de 1L. Gastos são geralmente 50K por mês avg. Devo me esforçar para obter Infinia ou você acha que eu posso fazer bem com o acima?

Nice perito comentários. Eu tenho uma pergunta sobre o cartão HDFC Infinia para você. É emitido para índios residentes e indianos não residentes. Fui informado pela HDFC que apenas a Regalia é para NRIs.

Agradecemos antecipadamente por seus comentários.

Não tenho certeza sobre isso. No entanto, eu não vejo nenhum motivo para diferenciar, contanto que você tenha um bom relacionamento com o Banco.

Vejo no site da HDFC que a variante da Regalia Visa Signature está sendo emitida para Não-Residentes como NR Regalia (então a Regalia vem como Regular Regalia, Business Regalia e NR Regalia) que parece exigir uma conta NRO com HDFC. A fatura do cartão também precisa ser liquidada pela conta NRO vinculada.

Eu vejo, há também outro, Regalia do médico. 😀

Sendo oferecido tanto Infinia e Citi Prestige. Meu gasto anual é de 20L, principalmente viagens corporativas. Sugestão qual devo usar? Parece que a Infinia tem melhores retornos de recompensa?

Por que não pegar os dois? 🙂

Há uma taxa de 20 mil para o Citi e 10 mil para o HDFC. Existe uma vantagem em obter os dois?

Meus gastos são metade dos vôos e permanecem no hotel, etc. Pelo que entendi, o Infinia vai dar 3,3% a 6,6℅ de volta, onde o Prestige dará apenas um máximo de 3%. Todos os outros benefícios parecem iguais.

O Citi é conhecido por seus parceiros da Hotel Transfer e a Prestige é conhecida pelo benefício Limo. Se você não precisa disso, então a Infinia faria.

Não é apenas 3,3% a 6,6%. Você também recebe 5X com muitos comerciantes, incluindo MMT. Mas se você precisar de gotas de limo, etc, você pode considerar o prestígio como Sid diz.

Atualmente eu estou mantendo a Regalia com limite de 4L (LTF) para 1 ano passado e conta de cartão de crédito HDFC por quase 8 anos. Além disso, eu sou cliente clássico tem poupança a / c por quase 5 anos. sou elegível para a infinia? e qual abordagem devo tomar para aplicar.

É bem difícil. Você precisa do intervalo de relacionamento Imperia para obter o Infinia.

Eu atualmente sou o titular de uma conta preferida com o HDFc, mas também sou elegível para o Imperia Banking. No entanto, o ramo em que eu tenho minha conta não oferece contas imperia. Portanto, terei que transferir minha conta para outra filial para converter minha conta em Imperia.

Atualmente tenho um cartão Diners Club Premium que é LTF. Devo transferir minha conta e encobri-la para Imperia?

Eu vou estar recebendo algum benefício extra sobre isso?

Apesar de minha renda atual não se qualificar para a Infinia, mas se converter para uma conta Imperia, me qualificaria para uma Infinia (LTF)?

Você pode certamente obter Diners Black com Imperia mas Infinia é um sucesso ou um fracasso.

Como eu mencionei no artigo, Imperia vai ajudar em certa medida, mas você também precisa de outro para ser forte em outros aspectos, como mencionei no artigo.

Você não tem que transferir todas as suas contas para outra filial só porque você quer atualizar imperia, Fale com a filial com o programa imperia e eles vão remover gerente de relacionamento preferido e atribuir gerente de relacionamento Imperia, Você terá contas bancárias em seu Somente o branch existente, mas o seu imperia rm estará no novo branch. Eu fiz o mesmo para ter certeza.

P. S seu RM preferencial não lhe dirá isso porque ele perderá você como cliente, portanto fale diretamente com o imperia RM.

Acabei de ser atualizado para Infinia. Eu não tenho um salário de 40 lakhs e em vez disso minha renda anual bruta é Rs. 26 lakhs. Se você gostaria de saber as razões para a atualização, eu acho que o seguinte poderia vir a calhar para quem procura Infinia. Sou cliente do HDFC Bank há quase 17 anos. Eu também passei mais de Rs. 12 lakhs com meu Regalia durante o atual ano financeiro. Além disso, eu trabalho para o governo central. meu gerente de filial era da opinião de que Rs. 26 lakhs em govt valem mais do que Rs. 50 lakhs no setor privado (o governo não tem nenhum conceito de CTC e, em vez disso, todos os reembolsos, exceto o salário, estão na folha de pagamento). btw, o limite que eles deram no meu Infinia é apenas Rs. 8 lakh. Então eu acho que você estava certo sobre o dinheiro quando você disse que é o relacionamento que importa e não apenas o salário. Tome o coração, todos!

Parabéns pela Infinia!

Sim, está de acordo com o padrão que eu vi com outros titulares de cartão da Infinia 🙂

Muito obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência.

Aqui está uma informação útil sobre como obter o CARTÃO DE CRÉDITO INFINIA do HDFC Bank.

Perguntei sobre o Cartão de Crédito da Infinia enquanto eu era o cliente preferencial do HDFC Bank e meu Preferred Relationship Manager disse que eu preciso de 40Lacks ITR e não há maneira de contornar isso, se eu tiver ITR inferior como 30 a 35Lacks então eles podem empurrar para aprovação, mas não há garantia,

Mas eu fui recentemente atualizado para o IMPERIA PROGRAMME HDFC BANK, e recebi o novo IMPERIA RELATIONSHIP MANAGER, então perguntei novamente sobre o INFINIA CREDIT CARD, e eles disseram que eu preciso de 21lacks ITR, mas eu só tenho 15lacks ITR então eles ofereceram me este cartão contra DEPOSITO FIXO de 6 LACKS, 15LACKS ITR + 6LACKS DEPÓSITO FIXO = 21LACKS, Foi assim que me explicaram,

Eu já completei a documentação e aguardo o CARTÃO DE CRÉDITO.

Verdade com os ditos pontos.

Além disso, interessante sobre a coisa FD. Eles marcaram um penhor no cartão?

Desde que eles emitiram este cartão contra FD, eu não posso widraw este FD enquanto eu mantenho este cartão, eu tenho que entregar este cartão, então só posso widraw FD.

Mantenha-nos informados sobre sua experiência depois de recebê-la 🙂

Acabei de receber meu cartão Infinia, eu não tive que cancelar minha regalia para obter a Infinia, o Regalia foi cancelado automaticamente quando recebi a Infinia. Minha regalia foi vida livre isso nem é difícil sua dá como um upgrade, taxa anual de 10000 é cobrada, mas em troca eu recebo 10000 recompensas por isso é praticamente livre.

Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência com a Infinia, especialmente o Imperia RM sem alterar a parte da ramificação é muito útil.

Um qn rápido, sua regalia era um cartão não baseado em FD,

e agora você tem a Infinia baseada em FD, provavelmente em 80% do valor do FD,

ou, era limite antigo de Regalia + valor de FD?

parabéns Malav kumar pelo INFINIA.

Eu só queria te perguntar, como é o procedimento para se atualizar para o IMPERIA? especialmente no seu caso.

Eu sou de Ahmadabad, então vou compartilhar minha experiência sobre o HDFC Bank Ahmadabad,

Em Ahmadabad, apenas 4 filiais de bancos HDFC têm instalações de banca imperia, outras filiais são apenas filiais preferenciais, então se você tiver conta em qualquer uma das filiais do imperia, somente receberá sua atualização, caso contrário, será difícil,

Minha conta estava no ramo non imperia então eu estava preso com a conta preferida, pedi para atualizar para imperia mas eles nunca me deram resposta direta, mas um belo dia eu aprendi com ex empregado do banco hdfc que preferia ramo couldn & # 8217 ; t me dar upgrade para imperia mesmo se eles quiserem porque eles não têm imperia RM, e se eles mudarem meu RM para imperia branch (sem transferir minha conta para o imperia branch) então eu obteria upgrade de imperia, então eu fui para o ramo imperia e conversei com o Imperia RM e ele perguntou ao meu Preferred RM sobre meu desejo de alterar o RM e recebi um novo RM com o upgrade do imperia, o Preferred RM estava hesitante em me deixar ir como cliente porque normalmente o RM obter incentivos dos produtos que eles vendem para nós (seguro de vida, seguro de carro, contas de demate), mas eu fiquei firme e recebi upgrade,

PS, você tem que atender aos critérios de elegibilidade para upgrade de imperia, que são como abaixo.

Mantenha um saldo médio mensal mínimo de Rs.30 Lakhs em todas as suas contas de Poupança e Depósito Fixo *.

Manter um saldo médio trimestral de Rs.10 Lakhs na sua conta poupança. OU.

Manter um saldo médio trimestral de Rs.15 Lakhs em sua conta corrente.

Mantenho uma boa relação com o ex-funcionário do HDFC Bank porque comprei muitos seguros de vida e abri muitas contas para os membros da minha família, por isso, mantemos contato mesmo que ele tenha deixado um emprego no Banco HDFC, vou compartilhar o que ele disse Isso é tudo informação privilegiada, e isso pode ajudá-lo a obter o Cartão de Crédito Premium com o Banco HDFC,

Cada HDFC Bank Branch tem um cara de cartão de crédito que lhe venderá um cartão de crédito, um seguro de vida que lhe venderá seguro de vida e todos os outros funcionários, como gerentes de filiais e gerentes de reservas e gerentes de Relacionamento e Caixa e recepcionista, etc. relatórios do gerenciador para o Cluster Manager, o que significa é que, se houver 20 filiais em Bandra, Mumbai, todos os gerentes de filiais se reportarão ao gerente do Cluster,

Da mesma maneira, todos os caras do cartão de crédito da agência têm Superior. Então, se você mora em Bandra, Mumbai, sua agência terá um cartão de crédito que reporta a alguém que não é Gerente de Filial, mas podemos chamá-lo de cluster de cartão de crédito. gerente, então quando fazemos pedido especial de cartão de crédito para atualizações estranhas como regalia para infinia ou cartão flutuante etc, então esses pedidos são enviados para gerentes de cluster de cartão de crédito HDFC, alguns gerentes de cluster são tranquilos relaxado sobre regras e alguns não são tão uma pessoa sobre isso blog may have obtained upgrade or shared limit credit card while other person’s request might be rejected, so if your request seems to get rejected then try to move your account to another branch that’s at some distance from your old branch then make new request and u may have it approved, my infinia card was approved after moving my relationship manager from Memnagar, Ahmedabad to Thaltej, Ahmedabad, All requests are not sent to chennai for process and some are processed at you city only.

Thanks for sharing in depth info on approval process. Little correction on the last part. All decisions are made at chennai only, but the said “cluster manager” or the regional manager or the credit card manager, say for Mumbai, has the ability to recommend you on their own risk to Chennai guys to approve it. And when such requests come, chennai gas can’t reject it unless there is a credit limit/CIBIL issue. Its like, chennai guys are like President and the branch/regional managers are like Prime Minister 🙂

But matter of fact is, these guys don’t recommend your request easily unless or unless you got enough relationship with bank. In your case, its FD linked card and hence there is no reason for anyone to reject it as there is ZERO risk.

They gave me 8 lacks credit limit on Infinia Card,

My regalia had 8 lacks credit limit before i got upgrade, and i have 70 lacks in fixed deposit with hdfc bank, 20lacks FDs X 3 and one FD with 10Lack, so I got infinia credit card against 10 Lacks FD,

so it could be my old credit limit of 8 lacks or it could be 80% if 10 lacks which is 8 Lacks, Tough to tell,

But one thing they told me is my credit limit will not increase based on spending because this card is against FD, but i am not worried because i don’t spend 8 lacks in one month.

PS, Before i came to know of your website, i Thought i had the best rewarding credit card (REGALIA), and my only credit card but your website has helped me a lot, After i started reading your website, i applied for three more credit cards, If you allow then I would also love to share my journey about how i got regalia card and how my credit limit increased from 2,25,000 to 8,00,000 in two years with detailed spending pattern and and time between each credit limit increase and amount spent between two credit limit increases.

Glad that i was able to help 🙂

Sure, i’ll drop you an email shortly, we may put it as a separate article.

Good Info.. thanks for sharing…..I didnt get Inifinia… so finally ended up in Yes Exclusive LTF….

Dear Mr. Malav, thanks for sharing.

I am in Ahmedabad and eligible for imperia at my Vejalpur branch. But what is the advantage except zero locker rent ?

As per there website they charge Rs 100 plus tax every quarter programme fees same as preferred programme. It was waived off / revered last year after after written request.

Even after imperia member, no guarantee to get Infinia credit card. & # 8211; LTF.

Imperia program does not guarantee to get Infinia Credit Card but It certainly does help, Imperia RM usually has more authority then Preferred RM and he is usually more knowledgeable,

While I pay for 100rs + tax every quarter as program management fee for being imperia customer but you get lot more value in return, I will explain below.

so I pay 460 rs every year for just being in Imperia program every year,

i get RENT FREE LOCKER for life as long as i am part of imperia program, I have the largest locker which my HDFC BANK branch provides, Locker rent is 15,000+tax every year and i get it for free, so 15000 saving against giving 460rs as program management fee, some branches also have locker that is huge and rent is 40,000 and its also free for imperia customer,

I also have demate account with hdfc bank, they charge 800rs or so for opening it but i got it for 499 rs so 300 rs saving there, yearly rent for demate account is 750 rs but its lifetime free for me,

they also charge 15rs every quarter for messegs received on mobile for account transaction like cash deposits and withdrawals etc and that is also free for me so 60 per year saving there.

they also charge for international debit card but its free for me, premium debit card like platinum card cost 750 rs per year and i have it for free, there are no free debit cards with hdfc bank, they charge minimum 150 rs for debit card for non premium customers,

they also charge 200rs or so to replace debit card if you loose it or damage it but its free for me,

they charge 500rs to issue Forex Multi-currency Card but i got it for 250 rs because i am travelling to USA and it may help,

I also get preferential rate of intrest for all types of loans like car loan or home loan etc,


SO your total saving is.

40,000 for largest locker rent.

750 for premium debit card.

60 for sms alerts.

750 anual demate charges.

800 demate opening charge.

200 for debit card replacement.

So your total saving is 42,810, Now you tell me weather its worth it or not.

Thanks Mr Malav for in detail IMPERIA programme. It is the highest premium account at HDFC bank.

As a preferred customer I am getting all this benefits except locker rent ( I have to pay 50% rent ).

My programme management fees were waived off last year , so I am saving Rs. 460 also on this. You can try to get is waived off by calling and writing to your RM.

Mr Malav, your Infinia card is life time free – same as Regalia ??

Thanks Malav for sharing ur experience regarding IMPERIA n INFINIA.

Its nice to learn all internal process at HDFC bank cards.

Mr Malav, your Infinia card is life time free – same as Regalia ??

No it is not life time free, It has anual fee of 10,000 rs per year but in return i get 10,000 reward points worth 10,000 rs so its practically free.

Hi, you may need to pay 18% GST tax around 1800rs for 10000rs annual fee.

So this 10000 rewards points, we can redeem for credit card bill payment ? Or we need to purchase some other things like flight or anything from catalogue ??

Flight and other redemptions usually.

You can use 10,000 reward points to purchase thing from reward catalogue, recharge mobile and dth, book flight and hotel etc, but its best used and valued when used for hotel booking or flight booking and dth and mobile recharges.

I have a Housing Loan with HDFC and will fall in to their definition of HNI, will I be eligible for infinia card?

Just housing loan won’t help. Depends on lot other factors. Talk to your RM.

How is infinia better than hdfc diners black. I am planning to go for diners black (even though I am eligible for infinia)?

Can you please assist?

Infinia should fine as they’ve recently added 10X to all cards on smartly spends.

Is infinia like a pure superset of diners black then?

If not in what terms is it better? I have heard plenty about the features in diners black as far as lifestyle is concerned i. e 10x reward points, bookmyshow offers unlimited, unlimited lounge access, can use it for uber, Amazon etc.

Do we enjoy the same privileges if we hold infinia?

If you’re more of a person who needs 10X benefits, go for Black. Else, if you’re happy with unlimited PP and limited 10X benefits, Go for Infinia.

Thanks Siddharth. Will go for Diners black then.

Will upgrade to infinia if I get a better offer there.

I have recently upgraded from Diners Black to Infinia, mainly because the conversion rate in infinia is much better than Diners Black. Diners Black charges like almost 1 re more for each USD when compared to infinia.

I dont find any difference between the 2 except the 10X points offer in Diners Black. So diners black is better till the offer.

I see other blogs that hardly update content but you update regular and best part take time to reply to every comment here that users put, much appreciated mate great quality content with outstanding support. I took your consulting and after 3 months I drop an email with some query and you answer that in no time which is really sweet.

Keep up the great content.

Thanks for your kind words Yazi. Fique ligado!

Does HDFC Infinia gives 5X points for fuel purchase at gas stations ?

Okay, latest update regarding upgrading to Infinia. I hold a Diners Black from HDFC. Spoke to the relationship manager and inquired about an upgrade to Infinia. He said that was possible only if I had such an offer on my card. It wasn’t there on my card and I asked for alternates. He said that for salaried personnel the monthly income must be 4L and for self employed an ITR showing at least 40L.

I am NRE and holding a Regalia card. I don’t use the card much, however, I enquired about the Infinia card, and I wan told that I should have one of my FDs lien marked for 12 Lacs. I will check with my RM if there is an initial fee for the first year or not. But if they charge me 10K, then how do I get back that money (in terms of other benefits?)

You can use the points for flights.

But first of all, 12L on FD is not a right choice to park your money unless you plan to use Priority pass to the tune of 100 visits or so a year. I’ll write a detailed article on this in sometime.

HDFC want me to change my resident Regalia to NR Infinia but with INR 8 lac FD lien. My annual spend is approx. INR 12 lac. Shall I opt for it or go with SBI Prime / SBI Elite?

I feel SBI Prime’s reward points for insurance payments is 5% and my annual payment for insurance is around INR 10 lac. Another benefit I see with SBI Prime is I can pay dues using reward points which is not possible in Infinia.

Compliments on a great site! I have a query re Infinia vs Amex Plat travel as below:

& # 8211; My primary card is Amex Plat Travel credit card, which I have been holding since last 7 years (Amex KF before that). Annual fee was waived off every yr because of spend patterns (arnd 5L+ every yr) This year they are refusing to waive off, even though spend is 6.5L. I am thinking of cancelling this card as I dont want to pay the fee. I use the MR points heavily for air travel (Indigo) – family vacations, and this has been a big reason for this to be the primary card.

& # 8211; Other card is HDFC Regalia – used wherever Amex is not accepted. Guess the spend will be 1 – 1.5 lakhs a yr also. This is LTF due to relationship wt bank, credit limit 6L. Have Priority Pass card, which is also used. However, not a fan of the rewards program and have not used it much really.

I can get the HDFC Infinia with condition of 8L annual spend (therefore no cost). Hence my question is:

1. Should I cancel Amex Plat travel card to avoid the fee (6k incl GST)? Will I miss the vouchers (now Spicejet or their own travel portal)?

2. And if I cancel, will the Infinia have similar or better benefits than Amex travel (I am looking at travel vouchers mainly).

Would be great if you can respond at the earliest, as I need to make a decision fast.

Amex plat travel still has good reward rate. They seem to waive off on spends north of 10L these days. IF you’re limited to yearly spends of.

7L i guess you should continue with Amex as you also get travel offers.

There are many other factors to decide though. For ex, if you fly intl often, then Infinia might help due to unlimited PP.

You can use your MR points to waive off the charges.

i currently own a Regalia Credit Card and thinking of upgrading it to Infinia but i don’t use my card that much. will it be of any use if i upgrade or should i stay with Regalia??

If the PP usage is not much and card is generally used for shopping and travel with annual spend around 8L. Is Infinia card still good choice given that now I have an option to get one? or there are other cards that offer greater benefits?

Cancelled my Diners Jet because lack of acceptability.

Currently using combination of Amex Travel and HDFC Jet World.

Given that after 4L spend there is no incentive to use Amex platinum Travel.

Hey all . I recently got the email to convert my resident regalia to NR card . I applied on the online form with the FD made and there was radio silence for a week . When I checked up with the branch and phone banking , no one could give me an update on the application status . The branch said that NR infinia does not exist and the phone banking guys told me to talk to the branch. the branch also advised me to apply for NR regalia . When I mentioned about the email I got , they told me that a “central team “exists which sends the mail and they have also the authority to grant cards. they apparantly work parallel to the branch cards division. I am not an imperia customer with HDFC nor did I have a high credit limit with my old card . Any ways long story short I got my infinia card yesterday . I honestly don’t know what criteria they use to accept as it appears very random .

Do you maintain high-value Relationship value with HDFC? As in FDs?

I have been using Infinia since more then 4 years and I feel it’s still the best card available in market after Amex centurion. I travel a lot and often use the Priority pass program. This card helped me earned lakhs of rupees free of cost In form of points. And finally kudos to sidhart fir opening such a wonderful forum where people who share the same passion for cards and travel can share their views.

How many guest are allowed along with the priority pass issued with Infinia card.

Hdfc bank is funny. They rejected my application for a Regalia in spite of an Itr >50lpa for last 3 years and a 800+ score. At that time I was having a Citi Premier miles with a limit of 6.3l and annual cc spends of about 10l. However they offered LTF regalia to my wife who has an Itr of 4lpa and has an existing HDFC bank savings account jointly with her mother. Now they have offered LTF Infinia to her and I am still stuck with Citi PM. Citi won’t give me a prestige because I have moved to Jaipur. So now my wife takes me in as a guest whenever we are travelling abroad while she earns around 10% of me 🙂

Not sure if it’s relevant but the year I took my first salary, I had applied for a SC rewards card with zero annual fee and was rejected but was given a Citi PM as I had a Citibank account. Not sure what are my past sins but my cibil is absolutely clean.

Infinia for 4L P. A !!

I wonder what triggered the upgrade. Do you(wife) maintain high Relationship value with HDFC?

Coming to your case, consider dropping an email to escalation. You could get Infinia right away!

Keep up the great work Siddharth & Abhishek !

This site of yours is a blessing 🙂

Here’s an Infinia update (my experience)

1. I have regalia and diners black.

2. Previously when I asked my RM for an upgrade to Infinia, was told ‘ITR less than 30L will not be considered. If its falling short by 5L or so (against benchmark of 40L) then RM can push for Infinia’

3. Since I was in the 35L ITR range I asked my RM to bump me up to Infinia.

4. Not possible RM said after doing max negotiations with credit card team. (I believe my RM).

Apparently HDFC now DOESNT consider anything in the range of 40L good enough to upgrade to Infinia. It should be 40L ATLEAST or I should give up my black to get Infinia. (Asked them to take a hike:)

5. Also limit enhancement when one holds two super premium cards is NOT possible.

(My current limits regalia: 2L, black 4L).

But limit enhancement option, for card on card for Yes Exclusive, too nipped in the bud 🙁

So that’s my Infinia story.

Like someone in Citi Prestige thread option mentioned…maybe time to either move from HDFC in toto and become a Citi Gold Client (with its associated pro rata bonus + renewal bonus via Prestige) or just move onto Prestige for now and wait out/work out for ITR to get Infinia friendly.

I’m also dying to get HDFC Infinia. I spoke with the RM but no luck. I own Regalia with 6.8 L limit and also a Yes First Exclusive with 5 L limit (Both LTF). I read though all the replies and I suppose gradual upgrade , better relationship and spending pattern along with your existing limit holds the key.

I have HDFC credit card for almost 6-7 years and upgraded to Regalia in last two years with CL of 5.3L.

I have kept good credit scores and scheduled repayment of all the outstandings. My annual income is around 13L. Will I be able to get Infinia or Diners Black? I do not have an RM, hence please advise how to approach.

Send IT papers to Chennai address for Diners Black. You’ll mostly get it as its above the floor limit. Infinia is impossible at this stage.

I have a 9 year relationship with HDFC Bank. I started out with the Gold card and now have a LTF Regalia with a limit of slightly more than 9 lakh. I have an ITR of 36 lakh. 800+ CIBIL score. No other relationship with the bank.

a)What are my chances of getting Infinia LTF?

b) I plan to write to them that I don’t want to use Regalia any longer because of the devaluations that’ve happened. Does that sound like a decent reason to request upgrade to Infinia?

quick question – does Infinia allow access to domestic lounge as well via PP? The visa infinite variant does not have access to all the domestic lounges it seems.

Not PP. You can also get MC variant on Infinia.

hey sid , really wanted to hdfc infinia or hdfc dinner black ..which is best among the 2.. the only draw back is most overseas payment dont accept dinner card …were only visa or master work…so which one is better among the 2.

Looks like you already have the answer 🙂

is it possible to upgrade Business Regalia (CL 3.6L , age 1year) to Infinia ? i do not hold much high relationship value with HDFC consisting if a SB account (downgraded to regular ) and the Business regalia card , i have Yes Bank first exclusive with credit limit of 2.5 lacs , ITR of >40lacs…since i have no RM now , who should i consider talking to?? post their devaluation of rewards , i have moved most of my spends to YB First exclusive and SBI Elite.

CL is too low to aim for Infinia. RM is essential for Infinia as the application has to go through RM/BM.

The HDFC Regalia is my secondary card – my primary one is Citi PremierMiles. However, I have a fairly high CL on the Regalia – it is just over 15 lacs. I don’t have an account with the bank. How do I go about getting it upgraded to an Infinia?

Interessante. Never heard of Regalia with limits like 15L. Reg. upgrade, Infinia is usually processed for approval from branch side. You might need to email HDFC or just visit the nearby branch to know the upgrade process for your case.

Obrigado. I didn’t apply for any limit increase – they just have done it gradually over the years. I find the CB PremierMiles the best card for tickets – do you reckon there is a better card for air miles? I’d happily change that to my primary card. Appreciate your response.

Airmiles – depends on what airlines you’re interested in.

Oi! I posted this query earlier but my comment did not get moderated. Im not sure why.

Please advise whether MasterCard variant of Infinia is better than the Visa variant of Infinia in terms of lounge access, offers, foreign currency spending conversions etc.

In real world usage the variants you choose doesn’t matter much. I have visa infinite variant but I am able to access domestic lounges not covered under visa program using the Priority Pass. The PP usage in domestic lounges comes complementary only with the Infinia card across the HDFC CC product portfolio. However, I have read that there is a slight advantage in foreign exchange conversions using the MC platform as opposed to visa.

In terms of lounge access, MasterCard is indeed better than VISA because of the range of lounges to which you get access. VISA isn’t even close to MC. Regarding offers, VISA Infinite is indeed one of the best cards to have. It has a lot of perks with BookMyShow etc. Foreign currency spending will be similar to MasterCard as the currency exchange rates of MasterCard and VISA are quite comparable. Most of the places in the world accept both VISA and MasterCard alike. So you won’t run into much problem when you consider that. But just to be safe. ALWAYS keep 2 or 3cards preferably all on different platforms. If you have one VISA and one MC, I’m sure you won run into any problem.

Get Visa Infinite if you don’t already have one. It is a tier above MC World, you get things like:

1. Visa Infinite BMS offers.

2. Visa Luxury Collection hotels. You get $25 food credit. This is similar to Amex FHR.

3. Visa Infinite Concierge. This is important because Infinia concierge is probably the worst in the country.

4. 2 stays to Hilton Gold.

5. Car rental discounts.

6. Access to Visa Infinite travel desk.

7. Discounts on meet and assist services.

If these benefits aren’t useful to you, I would reconsider getting Infinia in the first place. If you’re looking into it for Vistara Gold, Axis Vistara Infinite is a far better card to have. But keep in mind the service level that Infinia provides is bad and is not even in the same zip code as Citi Prestige and Amex Platinum. So it has never been a luxury card in my book.

Visa/MC won’t matter for forex rates with HDFC as HDFC buys USD in blocks and you get same rates, depending on when transaction is finalised. Most people who claim MC is better do two transactions one after the other and then compare. But that’s not how it works as forex rate you get is the one that is applied when transaction is finalised and pulled, not when you actually swipe. MC has slight edge over Visa in domestic lounges. Infinia PP will not work in domestic lounges anymore.

If forex, offers, and lounges are concern for you, get Diners Black instead.

Thank you Amex guy for that insightful response. I wanted to pick your brains for the best card in terms of rewards and features between HDFC Infinia, Yes bank First Exclusive, Citi Prestige. Not considering Amex Platinum because of the 50k annual fee. Are there any other cards out there that you would recommend?

Visa amd master almost have the same lounges but master has slightly more choices. I have heard that currency conversion charges are slightly less in MC. Rest they are same except for bookmyshop one on one offer which is available on visa. If you dont have any visa card you can go with master. I have both world mastercard and visa signature.

Not sure how many infinia holders are aware of it but there is a fastastic MMT offer of flat Rs 5000 discount on domestic flight bookings of Rs 10000 and above. Excellent offer to redeem on rock bottom flight fares!

Thank you Amex guy for that insightful response. I wanted to pick your brains for the best card in terms of rewards and features between HDFC Infinia, Yes bank First Exclusive, Citi Prestige. Not considering Amex Platinum because of the 50k annual fee. Are there any other cards out there that you would recommend?

Why do you say ‘Infinia PP will not work in domestic lounges anymore’? I’ve been using Infinia PP to access domestic lounges without any issue (the latest usage was today). I have the MC Infinia (I hadn’t specifically asked for it but thats what I got). Would you recommend switching to Visa Infinite. Does HDFC perform such a switch for an already-issued card?

I have been offered a Business Infinia by the local hdfc branch. Are the features and perks same as a personal Infinia?

Got my Infinia card last week. I noticed the add on cards i received this week did not have the Priority Pass cards. Does anyone if these need to be applied separately?

Yes, you need to call up the customer care and ask for them to be sent.

Hi everyone…I am holding a Diners Black Card, I am interested in getting a Infinia Card in addition to my DCB…Does anyone in the group holds both DCB & infinia , my RM has said as per HDFC policy this is just not possible irrespective to ITR/Salary requirement.

He is correct. I hold infinia and have DCB as addon. This is probably the only workaround.

Hi, what do you mean by having DCB as an add-on? Do you mean that both share the same credit limit?

What I meant was my mom holds a the DCB and I use it as an add on card holder.

I have the Infinia. Here are some notes:

& # 8211; You need to have salary upwards of 45L to be eligible for this one.

& # 8211; the annual fee is waived if spending is > 8 L in a year.

& # 8211; They also have some issues giving the ‘unlimited’ credit option if you’re below 30, you can call them up and ask for an temporary (30 day) extension of limit (upto 50 L)

It’s a fabulous card to have.

Obrigado por compartilhar sua experiência. 50L limit seems to be the interesting part 🙂

Bom saber. Recently I checked on my RM for Infinia eligibility. He said, monthly Take home of 3.5 Lacs is essential. As per him he tried a case where Take home was 20-30k lesser, however the card didnt get approved, even though customers CTC was 50 Lacs ( yearly) but take home was lower.

Revista Questrade.

Questrade is Canada’s largest and most popular online brokerage company as of February 2018. They were founded in 1999 and offer a full range of investing / trading products and services for both the average investor and high-volume active trader.

Their journey from industry laughing-stock in its early years to its current place atop the field, consistently, as the best brokerage firm in Canada (cited by Globe and Mail, MoneySense Magazine, and Deloitte annual rankings) has been a long and fascinating one.

Within this in-depth Questrade review I will explore their impressive range of offerings and debate if you should join.

Comissões e amp; Honorários.

Questrade Offer Code.

The above table should be glanced at again! It is not a typo, nor an exaggeration! Questrade offers the cheapest trades in virtually every investment category in all of Canada. There pricing structure hasn’t changed since their inception and is so impressive that it actually encourages new and small investors to jump into the investment game while also drawing in disgruntled investors from other brokerages.

Questrade conveniently can cover all transfer out fees imposed by other financial institutions if interested in moving your existing trading account to them. This makes the allure to join even more tantalizing.

For stock trading, Questrade offers a unique democratic pricing structure. Long-term, less active, investors have the popular option of 1¢ per share with a minimum charge of $4.95/trade and a ceiling maximum commission charge of $9.95. Active traders — those who make high volume share trades — have the choice of 1¢ per share (1¢ minimum / $6.95 maximum), or a $4.95 flat stock commission charge. All account holders can switch between these pricing options at any time. But be aware that a switch to the active trader program involves subscribing to one of Questrade’s several advanced market data plans.

Since 2013 Questrade continues to have no commission charge on the purchase of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). ETFs are free for everyone. This has radically changed the face of index investing for the better. It has opened up a whole new world for those who prefer to purchase on a monthly basis to take advantage of dollar-cost averaging. It also makes compound interest and re-balancing portfolios that much sweeter.

While we’re on the topic of ETFs, many other brokerages (including banks) still charge a fee for ETF trades, strangely enough, ensuring the ill-advised “timing the market” strategy as a common practice by many amateur investors at these other financial outlets in hopes of saving on commission costs. This is obviously no longer necessary while investing at Questrade. With so many turning to ETFs these days due to their low MER and diversified reach it’s a wonderful breath of fresh air to be able to do so at no cost. All indications seem to be that Questrade was the first discount broker in Canada to do this, and I applaud them.

Questrade also makes it abundantly clear that they don’t charge setup fees, annual fees, and hidden fees on any of their services which is a welcome change from the industry norm. A special note should be given, however, to how they handle account inactivity.

Although historically Questrade has never charged an inactivity fee, they recently did a subtle change to that policy. It’s actually not that bad when you peruse the details. If anything it’s quite reasonable. This policy adjustment can potentially charge $24.95 (no tax) per calendar quarter. All Questrade account holders, however, including households having the same physical address (which can also be a group of strangers when using the myFamily program), with combined equity assets of at least $5,000 are exempt from this inactivity fee. This fee also does not apply to charitable accounts, forex accounts, individuals 25 years of age or younger, and all new accounts opened for only 6-months. If, however, this fee still does apply to you then simply make at least one commissionable trade per quarter (once every 3-months) and you will not get charged. Further, if you are inactive for a quarter and do get charged, then by making at least one trade in the following quarter will trigger a refund up to $24.95 in commission-free trades as compensation. Fair enough.

For most investors this policy change is trivial since their assets are almost always over $5,000. And so most people will never get charged this inactivity fee. As I pointed out earlier, I think this change is perfectly reasonable and still miles better than all other discount brokerage houses who not only charge an inactivity fee, with no exceptions, they do so more frequently (each month) and tack on countless hidden fees which Questrade does not.

Novas Contas.

There are two sets of accounts offered by Questrade: Self-directed and online Managed Investing.

Self-Directed Investing : These accounts are for those who want full control of their investment decision-making. They will save you the most money, in terms of commission costs. The Standard Margin (Individual) account is the most popular account type opened by new customers.

Managed Investing : These accounts are for those who want Questrade to manage all investment decisions on your behalf, for a nominal annual fee. They require the least amount of effort on your part and tend to earn higher returns in the long-term. From my analysis, these accounts are indeed handled by a real staff (the Questrade Wealth Management division) behind the scenes. Under their management, they consider your personal goals and risk tolerance to match, manage, monitor, and adjust for the best investments without your daily involvement. Questrade calls this Portfolio IQ .

Questrade Accounts.

Standard Margin:

Informal, Joint Informal, or Formal Entity:

Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Investment Club, or Corporation Registered:

TFSA, RRSP, LIRA, RIF, LIF, Individual RESP, or Family RESP Forex (FX) & Contract For Difference (CFD) Trading.

Actively Managed by Staff Assigned To Your Account @ Questrade.

Please note, unlike self-directed, managed investing comes with a price — a $14/year minimum management fee charge. In my opinion self-directed is all one will ever need considering how making informed investment decisions is quite simple for even newcomers these days. And to compound on this, self-directed accounts have no fees (outside the usual trade commission) associated with them unlike their managed investing cousins. I’ll be going in-depth on their managed investing side in a later section of this review.

Initial Deposit Requirements.

Although immediate access is gained after joining (don’t forget to use the Questrade offer code : Canada to get $50 free during sign-up), your account isn’t activated. To officially activate your account, so as to begin trading, an initial deposit is required.

For stocks and options, you will need to maintain a minimum equity balance of $250, after meeting the initial deposit requirement, to keep your active account in good standing. If, however, you plan on doing managed investing then it’s required that you maintain $1,500 in account value once you’ve invested. If that value drops below $1,500 then your investments will be liquidated.

Once this initial minimum deposit has cleared, Questrade emails you a confirmation message. For offline applications you will be contacted by one of their representatives confirming trading can begin. It takes roughly 1-3 business days for Questrade to receive and process this deposit.

* Canadian currency deposits into forex & CFD accounts are auto-converted into US currency.

Sign-up Process.

Opening an account with Questrade is a remarkably quick, intuitive, and painless process. It took me no more than two minutes to open a general account, which immediately gave me access to practice within trading platforms, and to post on their vibrant discussion forum. It took me under twenty minutes to open their popular individual margin trading account.

The online application requires your social insurance number (for reporting interest and dividends earned to CRA, but you are given the option, on the page, to not allow them to use your SIN), employment information (or source of income if unemployed), and a form of identification (e. g., driver’s license). And although they have an offline alternative that you can printout and fill in, I highly recommend their secure online process instead because it reduces the amount of write-in errors and legibility issues, and supports DocuSign for the online signature signing process.

One of the first things you are required to do when signing up is to define a user ID and password for your new account. Doing so provides the incredibly convenient ability to return to an incomplete application at a later time.

I found that sessions during sign-up time-out after 30 minutes of inactivity. This is more than enough time to collect required documents and credentials, and to review your inputted details for any mistakes.

Ways To Fund Your Account.

Accounts numbers consist of ten numerical digits (e. g., 12345678-90). This is a step up from their pre-2011 six character alphanumeric size, and as such it’s been reported that some external banks still enforce an eight character limit for payee accounts when you attempt to send money to Questrade. To get around this our readers have indicated that you only need to provide the first eight digits of your Questrade account number. Using this helpful workaround your funds will still be delivered successfully.

When making a deposit using online banking or via Interac you should keep in mind that it’s not possible to send USD to your Questrade account — only CAD. This is due to a limitation of EFT at the issuing bank, not Questrade. All the other funding methods shown above support the ability to fund your account with either CAD or USD. Withdrawals of USD funds from your Questrade account to a USD bank account works perfectly fine.

If you need to deposit USD currency right away and none of the methods above fit your needs, you still have few more options: You can convert your existing CAD balance, held within your Questrade account, to USD using the Exchange Funds tool (found under Requests ). This can take up to 24 hours to process. Or, you can take advantage of Norbert’s Gambit (see the FAQ)! Successful conversions have been confirmed by readers of this Questrade review.

Before withdrawals can be initiated, Questrade requires that you provide a void cheque or a pre-authorized deposit agreement form signed and stamped by your bank. This only needs to be done once per bank account. It takes roughly three business days to process a withdrawal and for the funds to arrive into your bank account.

Member’s Account.

Your account’s primary control portal is known as myQuestrade (alternatively, Questrade Account ) and it is a beautiful experience with well thought out organization and visual appeal. There is a lot of love put into this portal, providing a consistent fully immersive and responsive experience. I found that it worked seamlessly with every smartphone, tablet, laptop, and desktop I could throw at it.

This portal fully integrates trading and account management together effortlessly. It gives immediate access to buying and selling securities, working with research tools, using a bustling library of partner apps (and developer’s API) on any of your devices, viewing your account activity, analyzing balances and positions, managing your personal details, viewing statements, making fund transfers in & out of your accounts, uploading & downloading your documents, exchanging CAD/USD currency between accounts, taking corporate action on shareholder communications, transferring positions, opening additional accounts, retrieving tax slips, exercising options, interacting with mutual funds, and more.

Once your account is activated for trading you are conveniently asked when you log in for the first time to select a default home base. A home base is where you would like Questrade to directly place you each time you log in. You have a choice of either your account management page or the online trading platform. This is definitely a helpful time saver, but, if necessary, you can jump between each via an always-visible top menu bar. And you can change your home base at any time from the Settings page.

They also have several self-help areas, including a robust learning centre of ebooks (e. g., options strategies, and Forex & CFD trading), fact sheets, an in-depth glossary, and a very active online community discussion forum called The Exchange . The Exchange is where you’d want to hangout, ask questions among other engaged investors, share expertise, and browse a growing library of how-to resources and help guides. I found this area to be very enjoyable, especially because so many were sharing incredible investment advice and unique tips that I may not have discovered in other ways. A welcome surprise was seeing Questrade’s representatives so consistently involved in this forum’s discussions.

Located under the Reports menu option are a slew of subcategories providing details about trading and general account activity. Some of these subcategories include: Investment Summary (pictured above), Trade Confirmations , Account Activity , Statements , Investment Return , and Tax Slips . Collectively, these reports allow you to explore all of your investments (stocks, funds, bonds, etc), buying power, total equity, current cash balances and positions (in CAD and USD), and more.

Your trading history is maintained for 36 months while eStatements, generated monthly, are stored for 7 years. Tax slips (e. g., T3, T5, T5008) are also made available electronically for each year.

New statements are published on the 15th of each month and made available for immediate download as PDF files. These reports have improved dramatically over the years and contain a rich tapestry of useful colourful charts and graphs to make it easier to understand your performance to-date and compare it against previous years. Going further, these statements are very detailed, and very carefully constructed not to just be intuitively understood by the layman investor, but goes in-depth to provide breakdowns of the month’s activity details, a summary of all trades settled by the end of that month, conversion rates, allocations, current and historical rates of return, dividend distributions, and special notes from the brokerage.

Because I view myself as an average investor, the styling approach laid out in these statements are an excellent bonus offered by Questrade.

Although Questrade highly endorses the viewing, downloading, and/or printing of monthly statements online as PDF files, and provides them free of charge, they still offer the alternative option of mailing out paper statements. This alternative, however, does cost $20 per statement. If you still prefer these hardcopies, then you can put in a request directly by phone or through their live help chat window.

Dual Currencies.

Questrade’s margin and registered accounts are comprised of two sub-accounts — one that holds Canadian funds, and the other for holding U. S. funds. This is incredibly convenient since it stops unnecessary automatic conversion charges, common at virtually all other brokerage firms, when trading U. S. instruments. Questrade does not do automatic currency conversions. Other brokerages, on the other hand, do this simply because it maximizes their profits. Good for them, bad for you.

For example, with Questrade things like U. S. dividend income from U. S. traded stocks will remain as USD and automatically be deposited into your U. S. sub-account. The same is true when funding your margin (or registered) account by either currency type; the funds will automatically be placed into the associating sub-account of the same type.

Funds can be moved between sub-accounts using Questrade’s Exchange Funds feature, but just take careful note that by using this tool it will involve a conversion based on the spot rate at the close of market in Toronto plus a spread fee. This spread fee is 1.99% for both margin and registered accounts. If total equity exceeds $100K, however, this fee drops to 1.70% for margin and 1.00% for registered accounts. If converting between USD/CAD, a better approach would be to use the Norbert’s Gambit technique because it eliminates almost all currency exchange fees. Please see the FAQ for more details.

An interesting related note is that Questrade continues to be the only brokerage in Canada to allow dual currency (CAD and USD) to be held concurrently inside registered accounts (i. e., TFSA, RRSP, RESP, RIF, LIRA, LIF) at no cost which in and of itself will save a colossal amount of money from unnecessary conversion fees. And whereas other brokerage houses do routinely charge annual fees for just having a registered account, Questrade doesn’t charge an annual fee at all; allowing your yearly contributions to grow with maximum efficiency.

Plataformas de negociação.

Questrade has four trading platforms: Trading with Questrade , a fully functional web-based trading platform for Windows/Macs/Linux desktop users, as well as for mobile devices; Questrade IQ Edge , a streamlined desktop-based trading platform for Windows 7/8.1/10+ and macOS 10+; Questrade Mobile , their mobile entrant into the field of on-the-go trading, for iOS and Android; and Questrade FX Global , their web-based forex & CFD market trading platform for most desktop and mobile users.

This entire suite is free to use and practice accounts (with virtual money) are available without even having to activate a real trading account. Many of these platforms include snap quote live Canadian/U. S. streaming level 1 data, a charting package, research tools for fundamental and technical analysis, and more. And although it is made available for free, these platforms can be upgraded to include one of three data packages or add à la carte feeds.

Now, let’s probe deeper into each of these unique platforms in turn and see what they have to offer.

Trading with Questrade.

This is Questrade’s most popular free trading platform. It serves as the primary trading gateway for most users entire investing experience. It also serves as Questrade’s answer for those who, for one reason or another, may not have access to (or be compatible with) their Mobile or IQ Edge applications. As such, this trading platform is what Linux users turn to when needing to trade stocks, ETFs, and options.

Trading with Questrade is craftily integrated into the Questrade Account portal and is reachable through the prominently displayed green Trade button located at the top menu bar. For convenience, this platform can be set as your home base when you log in. This platform is a fully compliant HTML5 browser-based responsive experience, it does not require a download, nor any third-party add-on, to be fully functional.

Taking a spin with this platform was an incredibly liberating experience — an excellent amalgamation of power and usability. It’s very featured-packed. It also introduces the concept of Gadgets into the platform lexicon. A gadget is an arrangeable user-customized view into your trading/market details. Some of these gadgets include: activity (a logs viewer), balances, time & sales (current global activity of a stock), level 1 quotes, level 2 quotes (if you’d paid for this extension), news, orders, charts, position summary, and a watch list. Any custom changes you make to your platform layout are automatically saved and restored when you re-log back in.

This platform was surprisingly lightning fast and responsive in every web browser I tested it in. Memory and CPU footprint usage was astonishingly small despite the depth of options, activity, and functionality it had to offer. I also found that sessions don’t appear to have any inactivity time limit.

A nice bonus feature of this platform was being able to start a trading task on one device (e. g., a home PC) and effortlessly shift to another device (e. g., smartphone or tablet) to complete it. This is an invaluable little addition because it can allow one to carefully construct lengthy trading procedures while permitting free movement during busy schedules. Additional bonus points also have to go to their clever use of green and red colouring in real-time to help more easily distinguish stocks and options price variations as they happen.

Impressively, this web-based trading platform has almost all the features found in IQ Edge, its bigger brother in this family. Notable differences include the lack of multiple workspaces, heat maps, and surprisingly, the inability to change color themes — you’re stuck with that white look, unlike IQ Edge which has selectable themes. So, if you feel you may need one or more of these missing features then I’d recommend you use their desktop-based IQ Edge platform instead.

Questrade IQ Edge.

Questrade IQ Edge is the big boy of this suite. It comes as a free install-based native PC (or Mac) desktop application. And although it is commonly used by many investors, regardless of experience, this platform was specifically engineered to cater to active and professional traders.

Interestingly, Trading with Questrade and IQ Edge share many features in common. But I did find the following unique differences.

IQ Edge allows for an unlimited amount of workspaces. A workspace is a screen area allowing one to open and customize a new set of gadgets or windows for a particular targeted purpose that suits a trading environment style. Multiple navigable workspaces is a valuable asset for active traders.

Other key differences I uncovered was that IQ Edge offers significantly more advanced options for order entries, such as conditional orders (e. g., trigger orders at a specific time, price, or volume automatically), creation of bracket orders, more extensive alerts, and multiple order entry windows. This platform also includes more extensive research tools and heat maps.

I also discovered a few subtle differences as well. IQ Edge allows for extensive gadget customizing, which takes them well beyond what is possible in Trading with Questrade. Most of these customizable features, however, are visual (e. g., drag-drop, resize, custom colourizing, blinking text). It depends on the gadget. Curiously, gadgets don’t have a snap-to feature and so they do not auto-arrange when the main application window resizes. It’s a bit annoying but not a deal breaker because most people just position their gadgets at a particular spot and maintain the application window at a set size.

Interestingly, any gadget customization you make in IQ Edge does not transfer over to their other trading platforms (assuming the same gadget exists), and vice versa. Ticker symbols and the related data inside gadgets (e. g., alerts), however, are properly maintained across different trading environments.

Thankfully IQ Edge incorporates different user-selectable colour themes, ranging from dark (default), light, and a sky blue. This is a welcome change from the screen burn-in white theme that their other trading platforms (excluding FX Global) are unfortunately hardwired to only use.

One additional allure of IQ Edge is that it gives a trader the sense of comfort knowing their platform’s trading activity will not be delayed or experience hiccups as might be the case if using a web browser. When speaking with Questrade’s technical staff, I was told that this platform is written from the ground up using optimized C++ code and deployed specifically for Intel processors, ensuring the speediest of responses for the most serious of traders. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing there is no 64-bit version for IQ Edge on PC platforms. For Macs it is natively 64-bit. Don’t get me wrong, this will still run perfectly fine on 64-bit Windows-based PC systems. It just won’t be running as efficiently as it could be. Here’s hoping in the near future an optimized 64-bit Windows version of IQ Edge will be made available.

Questrade Mobile.

Because many of us spend a lot of our time on mobile devices, it only makes sense that we want to be able to swipe, tap, and invest on-the-go as well. Questrade Mobile fills that void.

This free platform is a surprisingly very powerful, very capable mobile trading platform. Operating anywhere at any time, this app is available for iOS and Android devices from their respective app stores. The visual layout and organization of features is very well thought out — I can navigate and use the app with intuitive ease. And although they conveniently provide an interactive help tool I found there was little need to use it.

Questrade had originally planned to release a similar version for Windows Phone and Blackberry but, understandably, due to those aforementioned device’s almost non-existent market share, the idea was scrapped late in the development cycle. As such, users with those devices, including Linux, will need to use the browser-based alternative trading platform: Trading with Questrade.

I found Mobile’s feature set to be nearly identical to their Trading with Questrade platform, but with visual tweaks to better suit portable device operability. You can even perform account management actions directly within the app.

After using this platform for several days it’s clear to me Questrade is continuing to aim Mobile to be as feature-rich as IQ Edge over time so that even active traders can be less dependent of their desktops. I’m sure this will be greeted with overjoyed smiles by those traders who have been yearning to be more fully unshackled from their IQ Edge dungeons. On-the-go is here to stay so it only makes logical sense that Questrade will be continuing their trend of integrating more Edge-like whiz-bang functionality into Mobile, possibly surpassing their web-based sibling over time.

There is no question that Mobile is an integral component to Questrade and quite possibly view it as the most important in this entire platform suite, in terms of long-term growth, since most people will continue to be looking to their phones (and other portable devices) as their primary hub to the markets.

Questrade FX Global.

This is their free specialty web-based platform geared specifically to foreign exchange (FX) and contract-for-difference (CFD) traders. For the curious, FX contracts and CFDs are over-the-counter derivatives. FX Global gives you the ability to speculate on the price movement of currencies, energy, agriculture, metals, and equity indices from one account.

FX Global lives and breathes within the web browser. And my tests found the interaction to be seamless across every device I checked. That includes: PC, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices.

The platform conveniently tracks all trading activity in real time. I could execute trades from live bid/ask quotes just with a simple click or tap at any time. I was also able to keep tabs on open positions, watch for instant profits and losses, view account balances, and analyze historical activity, all on-screen.

Other positive noteworthy features in my evaluation include the ability to switch environment themes (i. e., dark or light), up-to-the-minute embedded news, research tools, technical analysis indicators, watch lists, and push notification alerts to your phone.

I found this platform to be designed very well and I could long and short hundreds of global currency pairs and CFDs with ease. The entire experience was surprisingly much more natural feeling than I was expecting; and this is coming from someone who has very little prior experience in the FX & Mercados CFD. Trading within the platform can be done 24 hours a day from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon, but, if necessary, existing forex account holders can also place orders for free over the phone.

Research Tools.

One of the keys to successful investing is through tenacious market research — doing your homework. And so, while compiling this review I felt an honourable nod should be given to Questrade’s stand-out research tools: Market Intelligence and Intraday Trader .

When you login, both tools are found tucked away under the Market Research menu selection.

Market Intelligence is the place to go when you need to get the latest market news in North America, Europe, and Asia as it happens. With research data and ratings provided by MorningStar, I was able to successfully look up a lot of valuable material (e. g., reports, earnings) on whole industries, companies, and specific stocks without having to leave my account. There is also a very useful criteria-based email alerter to keep track of stocks. You can set it up to alert you on price changes, volume fluctuations, bid sizes, and more.

The other research tool, Intraday Trader, is a comprehensive technical analyzer that monitors the NSYE, NASDAQ, AMEX, TSX, TSX Venture, and ARCA. By providing an event triggering watch list (pre-set or custom), it’s able to scan those markets and cross-reference technical patterns of interest throughout the trading day. When a target has been triggered I get notified with charts and a description on what caused it and why. It’s clear that the goal of this tool is to give you a heads-up on potential trading opportunities as they are happening. Interestingly, I began noticing over the following days that I kept returning to use this tool and adding more refined complexity to my event triggers. In short, using this tool can become quite addictive.

Managed Investing (Portfolio IQ)

Self-directed investing (aka DIY trading) is offered essentially by every discount brokerage in Canada and has been a popular choice by the general public due to the cornucopias of easy-to-use tools and support made available to investors desiring complete control over every aspect of their financial interests. With this style of investing, customers have always been able to sculpt their own investment strategy, define their portfolio, buy and sell securities, and more.

However, another option exists. For those with very little time, while continuing to carry big investment ambitions, Questrade introduced Portfolio IQ , the alternative to self-directed investing. Really known as managed investing, Portfolio IQ takes away the stress of investment decision making, such as asset allocation and re-balancing, and puts this work into the hands of experienced portfolio managers of their Questrade Wealth Management division.

Who doesn’t want to take it easy and watch their money grow towards financial independence with little effort? It’s a dream come true! However, the difficulty lies in trying to figure out how exactly to do that. This is where I feel Portfolio IQ comes to the rescue.

I discovered that Portfolio IQ was Canada’s first online wealth management service. Another accomplishment by Questrade. When speaking with one of their managers, he expressed that the advent of Portfolio IQ is to grow and become a definitive market disruptor. To make managed investing accessible to everyone. He went on to say that because managed investing has typically been an exclusive club for the very rich, their goal was to hark back to their motto of unlocking all things restrictive to the masses by doing away with convention. That’s a bold statement. So naturally I signed up for an account and had a look around.

Opening a Portfolio IQ account is straight-forward and only requires an initial deposit of just $1. As an extra bonus, this review’s Questrade offer code — also known as a Questrade referral code — can be used when opening a managed account to receive a free cash bonus. Once open you’re taken through a quick, simple to use point-and-click/tap questionnaire to set up an investor biography that identifies your risk tolerance, existing financial circumstances, market knowledge, and investment ambitions. This is all used to help crystallize the best portfolio that will matter to you. If your goals change, then you can adjust your biography to keep things in balance, which will then automatically update your underlying portfolio model accordingly.

ETF Portfolios.

There are five portfolios and they all deal exclusively in ETFs. Composition is an assortment mix of sectors, markets, and countries.

Further, each of these portfolios have three tiers. Each tier has a different set of sector-specific and country-specific ETFs. It is your account asset value that determines which tier position you’re automatically assigned within the portfolio you’ve selected.

Fee Structure.

Although it only requires $1 to open a Portfolio IQ account, your money sits uninvested until it reaches at least $2,000. Once that threshold has been reached, your money is automatically shifted into your selected portfolio, and your very own assigned team of specialists will begin actively managing and adjusting your portfolio as opportunities arise in the markets. I found they vigilantly kept re-balancing assets to stay within my risk tolerance without any daily involvement on my part, which was nice.

I didn’t find any trading or trailing commission fees. I did uncover a nominal annual management fee, however, which varies based on your existing total account asset value. This fee only gets charged when you have at least $2,000 in savings within your managed account. If it does apply then it’s broken up and charged proportionally on a quarterly basis. Relative to other brokerages and banks, this management fee is by far the lowest I’ve seen.

With the added benefit of taking full advantage of tax-loss harvesting, and providing a last quarter management fee refund guarantee if you’re not fully satisfied for any reason, Portfolio IQ is an extraordinary entrant into the managed investing arena. It has that perfect resonating mix all investors, big and small, crave when they daydream of an unshackled financial tomorrow.

IPO Centre.

Participating in initial public offerings (IPO), secondary issues (additional shares/bonds offered by a public company), and structured products has always been the holy grail for many investors due to the incredible euphoric frenzy of the 1990’s internet IPO boom, and recently with the bitcoin cryptocurrency mania (via Initial Coin Offerings).

Because IPOs usually tick up on first day closings, it makes total sense why so many want in — it’s a quick way to make an easy buck! However, due to the natural laws of supply and demand, interest in these new issues almost always outstrip the quantity made available, and therefore only insiders, well-connected bigwigs, and the very wealthy are usually the only ones who are granted access. Nepotism and cronyism at its undemocratic finest.

For generations the general public has had little access to IPOs. There was a brief moment in time when Wit Capital, an internet startup of the 90s, briefly unlocked this secret world, but it was short-lived.

Questrade became one of the new Canadian trailblazers to usher in a sledgehammer back into this world for the masses by introducing their IPO Centre. This centre is a very welcome sight and seems well positioned to grow into something incredibly special.

Type of Offerings.

The Questrade IPO Centre showcases newly available issues of Canadian equity, fixed income, and structured notes. For historic reasons, they also give access to a detailed back catalog of previous offerings. Each IPO’s respective fact sheet, investor summary, terms, preliminary and final prospectuses are also readily available.

Although the IPO Centre mostly has Canadian offerings, U. S. IPOs do show up from time-to-time as well. Due to Canadian security regulations though, U. S. and other foreign-based companies must file their prospectuses in each province individually in order to be sold to residents of that particular province. Since many companies in the United States may feel that doing an IPO in Canada could be an added expense (e. g., listing fees, legal fees, French language requirements), and that domestic demand in the U. S. is already strong enough to satisfy the capital they’re seeking to raise, it’s only logical that most offerings you see listed in the centre are Canadian by nature.

Fun fact: TSX has a very large mining focus. This is because many international mining/resource companies file a prospectus, raise money, and choose to be listed here in Canada.

Registered accounts (e. g., RRSP, TFSA) are also eligible to hold the vast majority of IPOs and treasury offerings. Some IPOs, however, may not be eligible due to their company/offering structure and how widely held it is.

My only complaint is that the number of IPOs to select from isn’t as bountiful as I would prefer it to be. I am not sure if this is due to the unseen battle that they surely must have with underwriters to be granted access to new filings, or if their staff is just being lethargic in pursuing more pickings.

How To Take Part.

The IPO Centre is reachable on your desktop/laptop , smartphone, and tablet. When you see an IPO or other new issue you like, it’s a simple click/tap of the Buy button found next to that offering. Alternatively, you can call their trade desk to put in a request. All IPO and secondary offering purchases are commission free.

Once your order has been placed, this is referred to as an “expression of interest”. An expression of interest makes Questrade aware you are putting in a commitment to buy a number of shares. This does not guarantee, though, that you will actually get any or all of the shares you’ve requested.

When placing an expression of interest on their website, the trade desk contacts you to confirm the order within an hour. In rare cases I found it took up to 24 hours.

There is a $5,000 minimum requested amount for submitting an IPO order. Some companies going public may even ask for an amount over and above this, but the majority of the time it won’t be above the $5,000 Questrade minimum. Once the order is confirmed, Questrade passes along your interest to the offering’s underwriter.

For instant notification of newly announced IPOs and secondary issues, I recommend subscribing to their mailing list known as the IPO Bulletin . Surprisingly, I found that notifications arrived roughly thirty minutes sooner than the time it took for new issues to appear on the centre’s front page. That revelation can potentially lead to unique first access opportunities. Agradável!

Canceling a request can be made within two business days (this may vary depending on the province) of receiving, or deemed receipt of, a prospectus and any related amendments (found at the online centre).

Processing Time & Distribuição.

Processing time for orders can vary but usually it takes around three weeks from when the underwriters first launch the IPO and when the offering closes. Times can be shorter when dealing with some secondary offerings and preferred treasury shares. Once allocations from the underwriter are received, Questrade informs customers via email or phone.

Allocations, however, may be distributed on a pro-rata basis if an IPO is oversubscribed (the number of shares requested by all interested parties is greater than what Questrade received), and so, as mentioned earlier, your original request amount may not necessarily materialize to what you actually get. For example, if Questrade receives a 50% allocation on their total order amount, they would then allocate only 50% to your original order request.

Serviço ao cliente.

Customer services are the make or break for practically every company, irrespective of the industry they’re in. If customers have an issue, be it executing a hanging order, a problem with account management, or just to get in touch to have someone walk them through a task, it’s critical that customer service be attentive, knowledgeable, and understanding. You can have all the best technology and intuitive user experience in place, but if you lack basic customer service support, you’re company is doomed.

Now let’s delve into Questrade’s customer service experience so I can give you my impression on their online and offline (i. e., telephone) efficacy.

Most people will likely prefer to communicate with Questrade through online means. As such, you have a few options: Email, and Live Help real-time chat.

Email response times were relatively quick. I sent four different emails regarding four distinctly different issues, and their reply times varied between one hour and eighteen hours. That’s pretty good. Their response content was very good as well. Nothing was canned, which is common when dealing with other companies over email.

As for the online chat feature, while putting this review together I noticed that Questrade had repeatedly repositioned their live help’s green Chat button. I figure it’s probably because they are still finalizing on the best placement for it. But nonetheless, their chat button tends to be conveniently a fixed overlay on the right corner of most pages. It’s operational from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 8:00am – 20:00 ET. When clicked it brings up a pop-up window.

After speaking with several online representatives — those who deal with potential new accounts and others who deal with existing accounts — I found them to be very well-informed, professional, and quick in their responses. They also took the extra time to provide external web links (those found outside the Questrade domain) for further reading which was a nice bonus. If the chat feature is unavailable (e. g., weekends, holidays, or outside service hours) you’re still able to leave a detailed message. When I tried this, I did receive a decent response when a representative returned.

For customer support over the phone, they are available Monday to Friday, 7:30am – 20:00 ET. For forex trading, they are open much longer, including Sundays. When I did phone in, I found that they support English, French, and Mandarin languages. Coincidentally, being trilingual I was able to speak to representatives in all three languages. Hold times varied based on what I was calling about. During midday on a workweek I found the wait time for a new customer to be about one minute. When calling in as an existing customer, the wait time was much shorter. This may be coincidental, but I also found that using their live help was much quicker than calling into their offices. Overall, speaking over the phone with their different departments was a very relaxing and helpful experience. They know their stuff! And not once did I feel they were rushing to get the conversation ended quickly. It felt like I actually mattered.

Questrade has partnered with several financial service providers to help enhance your investment experience through third-party apps. Types of partner apps include trading platforms, stock pickers, performance recorders, statistics analyzers, portfolio monitors, etc. Once you grant permission to an app, it can access your account details (personal information is still kept private), retrieve market data, and assist you with placing trades through your Questrade brokerage account.

Granting permission to a third-party app is as simple as finding an app of interest within the App Hub library, clicking the Add to My Apps button, generating a special (and necessary) authorization token, downloading the associating partner’s app (and/or signing up for an account via their website), and then inputing your generated authorization token within the app.

The only apps authorized by Questrade are the ones listed in their library. If a third-party app is not listed there, then that specific app will not have access to your account. In other words, you cannot arbitrarily generate a generic authorization token for an unauthorized app.

Interestingly, you can create and register your own app and become a partner with Questrade. I will discuss this in more detail under the Developer Platform section of this review.

One strange quirk I did find, when you add a partner app it became difficult, if not impossible, to return to the App Hub library at a later time to add another app. Why Questrade didn’t add a navigable link back to the library on the My Apps page — if you’ve already added at least one app — is beyond me. Either this is an oversight, or a bug. I’ve reported this problem to them. Hopefully they fix it soon because the only way I could figure out how to return to the App Hub library was to remove all my apps. That’s very inconvenient. By the time you read this review it will probably already be fixed.

Beyond that little issue it was really fun and quite advantageous to have access to so many third-party apps.

Questrade’s security measures have improved dramatically over the years. They use an impressive 256-bit SSL class 3 extended validation for both logging in and trading. Extra security during the login process can be provided by enabling two-factor authentication. For those unfamiliar, two-factor authentication is an additional security layer which requires not just a username and password, but you must also use another device that you currently have in your possession — typically a phone — to input a special code shown on that device during the login process.

Questrade has an online security guarantee which insures investors against unauthorized transactions which result in a direct loss. This security guarantee, however, doesn’t extend to intruders breaching accounts on your end (i. e., browser vulnerability, PC/Mac infection). In other words, if there is fraudulent activity and it’s proven to be due to the negligence of Questrade they are in a position to cover your loss at 100%.

They are a CIPF (Canadian Investor Protection Fund) member, and so all Canadian investors are covered up to $1,000,000. They are also members of the IIROC (Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada). For claims that exceed $1,000,000, Questrade offers extended private insurance up to $10 million. You will need to contact them directly by phone for more details in getting this extension set up correctly.

Other noteworthy features: When joining, you must provide at least two security questions and answers — one of which gets asked when you attempt to log into your account from an unrecognized device. Once signed into your account your last login information is prominently displayed at the top-right corner with the date, time, device used, browser user agent, and the operating system of who last accessed your account.

And lastly, a special appreciation goes out to the ability to set up a personal identification number (PIN) from your customer profile page. This PIN is optional, but is used to make it quicker to identify you when phoning in. You still have to provide other information about yourself when speaking to a representative, but the verification process is much quicker. I found this very handy, especially because I had to call in several times to better review their customer service.

Developer Platform.

Developers interested in writing their own applications or using tools from other third-party vendors can rejoice because Questrade has their own application programming interface (API). It’s free to use and can execute, modify, and cancel stock & option orders on Canadian and U. S. exchanges; retrieve balances, and positions as far back as sixteen months; and fetch delayed and real-time market data. Their SDK with sample code is available for download in C++ and C#.

After a quick glance over Questrade’s very clean online API operations documentation, within ten minutes I had created my first, fully functional application in Microsoft Visual Studio C#. It’s very easy to make an app! I also love how they give access to a practice server for testing applications on. And once I had fixed all my bugs, I then was able to switch over to the live server. Very smart!

Questrade implements Representational State Transfer (REST) for reading and writing data, and the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework for their security protocol. Everything communicates through HTTPS only. The great thing about using REST and OAuth is that development time is significantly reduced, as was evident by the time it took for me to make my first app, because they are widely used, simple to understand, standards for a lot of online development.

I noticed there is an option to partner with Questrade so that your application can extend beyond your app’s library, and be made available to every Questrade customer. I did not test this feature because my application was just a simple proof-of-concept for this review, but I did speak with a technician who told me that there is no cost when partnering. Your application goes through a thorough quality assurance review, and if they feel your app will enhance their customers’ experiences, they will happily add it into the App Hub. Please note, though, if you develop a trading platform where your users make trades within your app on the live server, then your users will still get charged the same commission fees that they would have paid if they were using one of Questrade’s standard trading platforms.


My journey through the expansive financial world carved out by Questrade was a very enjoyable one. Although their list of achievements include free ETFs, very mature trading platforms, quality customer service, IPOs, and a comprehensive developer platform, their most impressive feature has to go to being able to execute trades as low as 1¢ per share (1¢ minimum for active traders; $4.95 minimum for non-active traders).

It has been decades now and Questrade continues to carry the honour of being Canada’s lowest cost discount brokerage company. Questrade’s low commission rate is so good it serves as an enticer to make more trades more often and not have to hesitate by attempting to time the market in hopes of lowering commission costs.

In MoneySense’s Canada’s Best Online Brokerages article, Questrade was top ranked as the best in terms of lowest fees and lowest commissions. They also received honourable mentions as the best in ease of use and overall independent broker.

I can’t think of anything negative to point out about this company. It’s very clear they want to be in this industry and stay as the market leader in Canada. When speaking to several of their representatives online and over the phone you could feel a strong sense of pride in their written words and spoken tone. There is clearly a strong and positive ecosystem in their workplace environment. The staff seem exceptionally knowledgeable when assisting, providing a fulfilling experience. This is a far cry from my past dealings with other brokerages and banks.

For most of my stock trading life I had been connected at the hip with my local bank. This was before I became more enlightened with better options that were out there. I’m sure this is the case for most people. Many of us usually get our first investment accounts at big banks (e. g., BMO InvestorLine, Scotia iTrade, RBC Direct Investing, TD Direct Investing) because of the ease to do so — we have our savings and chequing accounts with them already so it’s just logical to open a trading account there as well. Such conveniences, however, bring with it abuses by these banks onto their customers. And so it wasn’t until I became completely disillusioned by my bank’s high fees and endless shenanigans that I felt it was time to explore other financial outlets. And hence, here we are today and why I felt this ultimate Questrade review was a necessary obligation to write.

Should you join? Yes — a resounding YES! For someone like me, as a casual trader, who has experienced headaches with banks and other brokerage firms, it’s nice to finally find a good home at Questrade who doesn’t play games, nor charge exorbitant fees. Questrade fits my needs perfectly and helps unlock my potential as a growing investor.

Now I’d love to hear your opinion on Questrade. Leave a reply below, share this review, and rate them using the ratings gauge found at the very top of this page.

Editor Rating: 90% out of 100.

Readers Rating: 95 % out of 100 ( 2212 votes)

Perguntas frequentes (FAQ)

This review has been updated many times over the years and, during such time, many questions have been asked by my readers in the comments section. For your convenience, I have compiled the most asked questions, with their corresponding answers, below.

Why Questrade?

Lowest commission cost per equity trade in Canada. Commission-free ETF trades. No annual fees. Free $50 when using Questrade offer code: Canada Questrade will cover the transfer-out fee when moving your brokerage account to them. Full-featured tools and trading platforms available on all devices. Very responsive customer service. Even when using live online help. Hold dual-currency (CAD and USD) simultaneously within registered accounts (e. g., RRSP) without automatic conversions, nor fees.

Is Questrade good?

Sim! Questrade offers a remarkably rich tapestry of features well tailored for new investors and seasoned traders. They also have the lowest costs of any other brokerage house in Canada, by far. Over the years, they have routinely demonstrated their hypercompetitiveness in this crowded industry by endlessly releasing new products, updates, and exploring untapped avenues (e. g., IPOs).

Where can I get the Questrade offer code?

To get $50 free from Questrade, simply type the following Offer Code: Canada into the Offer Code input box during the sign-up process.

What is the best way to convert CAD/USD?

To elminate currency exchange fees almost entirely when converting CAD/USD, you will want to use Norbert’s Gambit. To do this, you will use tickers: DLR. TO and DLR. U.TO . The former deals in CAD currency, the latter in USD currency.

To convert from CAD to USD:

Buy shares of DLR. TO (currency will be in CAD) in the amount that you want to convert into USD cash. Get ahold of a Questrade rep via live help chat or on the phone. Tell the rep that you want to journal over all of your newly acquired DLR. TO shares to its USD equivalent side (i. e., DLR. U.TO). Your shares will now shift from DLR. TO to DLR. U.TO and be in USD currency. Sell all of your DLR. U.TO shares. You will now have USD cash.

To convert from USD to CAD:

Buy shares of DLR. U.TO (currency will be in USD) in the amount that you want to convert into CAD cash. Get ahold of a Questrade rep via live help chat or on the phone. Tell the rep that you want to journal over all of your newly acquired DLR. U.TO shares to its CAD equivalent side (i. e., DLR. TO). Your shares will now shift from DLR. U.TO to DLR. TO and be in CAD currency. Sell all of your DLR. TO shares. You will now have CAD cash.

The entire process can take up to 1-2 business days to complete. The full details of your conversion is recorded under myQuestrade’s Account Activity page.

Can I short sell?

Yes, you can short stocks in margin accounts. Registered accounts (e. g., RRSP), however, cannot short because of Canadian government regulations.

Do their platforms support Mac/Linux?

Yes, their trading platforms are available for Mac and Linux users. Questrade’s trading platforms are also available for Windows, iOS, and Android devices. For Linux users, Trading with Questrade, their responsive HTML browser-based web application, is what’s used.

My bank doesn’t accept Questrade account #s.

Most people will fund their Questrade accounts through their bank’s bill payment method. However, some banks still impose an eight character limit. You can get around this problem by using just the first eight digits of your ten digit Questrade account #.

How do I get trading reports before 2011?

If you have been a Questrade member before 2011, then you may have already discovered that their Trade Confirmations database, which claims to carry your trading details dating back to January 1st, 2009, in fact only rolls back to February 4th, 2011. Sadly, you may no longer have access to these older trading reports because Penson, Questrade’s old clearinghouse partner, who stockpiled these much older reports, has now shut its doors for good. When speaking with Questrade’s representatives, I got inconsistent answers on whether they still have these very old reports or not.

How do I stop paper-mailed investor documents?

Initially, shareholder communications (i. e., voting requests, annual meeting summaries, financial reports) are sent as paper mail to your physical address. For those who wish to save the environment by saving a few trees you can alternatively opt to receive these correspondence documents through electronic mail instead. A convenient free service called InvestorDelivery exists where you can set up to receive all of your investor correspondence electronically. InvestorDelivery requires a special ID that is stamped in the header region of each of your paper documents. So you’ll have to wait and receive a paper document of a security you own before you can switch over to its electronic alternative.

How do I avoid paying ECN Fees?

ECN fees are fees enforced onto Questrade by an external network that charges you for making a transaction which removes liquidity from the market (i. e., buying at the ask or selling at the bid). Questrade doesn’t make any money from ECN fees; they simply pass this collected fee to the designated network to execute your order. Although these fees translate to mere pennies, one can avoid paying them altogether by executing transactions as a limit (or stop) order at the bid/ask instead of as a market order request. For U. S. stocks you can also send orders to non-direct access ECN networks (i. e., LAMP, MNGD, or POST) to avoid these fees completely.

How do I avoid mutual fund trailer fees?

Questrade will rebate mutual fund trailer fees. They call this their Mutual Fund Maximizer . Trailer fees are commissions by fund management companies paid to brokerage houses for being the retailer that sold you your fund(s). This commission is an ongoing source of revenue for brokerages as long as you keep holding onto those fund(s). You don’t see this fee because it’s part of the MER of the fund. So, Questrade is willing to rebate this fee back to you every quarter. But there’s a catch. You need a minimum of $36,000 in mutual fund holdings to be eligible for this rebate. The reasoning is simple: There is a processing fee of $29.95/month. So, the rebates will start paying back if your mutual fund holdings is worth more than $36,000 (based on a 1% trailer fee).

What is the interest rate when buying on margin?

Most people will sign up for the standard margin account, which gives you access to borrow funds at an amount more than your current cash balance. This extended buying power ability is very useful and can come in handy when you need to jump on market opportunities. Assuming you’ve bought on margin and haven’t settled your stocks after three days of the purchase, the margin interest rate can be as low as prime + 2.5%, which is in-line with most brokerages.

What is Margin Power?

Margin Power is a free service by Questrade that allows you to link your existing TFSA account (held at Questrade) to your margin account. Doing so increases your buying power within your margin account by leveraging the assets you already own inside your TFSA, making it enormously convenient to enter new positions without requiring a transfer of new cash or selling existing securities.

How do I register for a DRIP?

A dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), which is also known as a direct purchase plan (DPP), allows you to reinvest your stock’s dividend income automatically into the purchase of additional shares of that security without paying any trading commissions. To register for a DRIP, log into your Questrade account, navigate to Account Management > Find Forms , and download & fill out the one page PDF file: Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) Authorization . You’d then use Upload Documents to send your signed form to Questrade. It takes up-to 24 hours to process your request. If you ever sell off your security entirely, your DRIP will be canceled.

Replies to this Review.

Armaan H. says:

The CAD dollar is relatively weak (historically) compared to the USD. Anyone know if it’s worth buying gold right now?

Clayton D says:

Robert you might want to read this questrade review in full. Although Americans aren’t allowed to join via the online process there seems to be a way to do so offline (you’d have to walk into their office). And there are certain restrictions. You seem better off to find a broker in your country.

Robert M. says:

Maybe i am missing something but as an American i cant figure out why we dont get $4.95 trades. Are Americans allowed to join Questrade? I am pretty sure Questrade is a Canadian company.

Eduardo says:

Managed investing looks interesting. Anyone here have that type of account and willing to give more details.

Braiden K. says:

I’m thinking to open a RRSP account with Questrade and want to ask them some questions before I make the move. Tried to use chat and got this message "Please note that we are currently experiencing higher than normal chat volumes. Please continue to hold and not cancel the chat while we try to connect you to an agent." It took 5 minutes to get help which is absolutely unacceptable. I understand it will be less speedy service with discount brokerage but I don’t expect that long. The rep said waiting this long is not normal though. Who knows!!

Chance says:

Helluva whale of a questrade review! Much obliged from a lonely boy in a dark basement.

Tad Jefferyes says:

Based on this questrade review and the screen captures i like the intuitiveness of Questrade’s user interface such as that shown in Account Activity. I am a small time trader and so i dont like to be bogged down by a lot of techno babble. That free $50 questrade promo offer code is very inticing, i am not going to lie.

Jayvon H. says:

The pictures are very helpful. I just wish their was a video of using the My Account panel that would be nice.

Zebadiah says:

I noticed recently their chat feature was very bad. I often waited for more than half hour, still nobody showed up. When I just opened my account, their service was pretty good. Anybody have the same experience?

Nansy says:

Questrade Review to the MAX! Muah! I love you. Was aimlessly looking for a quality written review on Questrade.

And thanks for the Questrade Offer Code. I will be sharing this with a few friends on Facebook.

Isai G. says:

Questrade does a smart thing. They understand that their are many out there that are interested in investing but aren’t very experienced — the new investors. By drawing them in with simple signup and trading at low prices it is too good a thing to pass up for many. If just a few of these small, infrequent investors become active traders they’d be making a killing.

Gilberto H. says:

That questrade promo code is going to get some serious use by me. Obrigado!

Howard says:

What i cant understand is why other online discount brokers dont compete directly with Questrade. Questrade’s prices are way cheaper than anyone i’ve ever been with.

Noah F. says:

This questrade review is insanely thorough! Fantastic work! Questrade must have given you a lot of unprecedented access to be able to cover so much.

Ervin Keck says:

I decided to check out their online chat and they seem well informed. I am a bit surprised about that and not simply cut/paste answers.

Wynter says:

I think Questrade’s image has changed considerably. They were once considered the scorn of the industry but i think over the years they’ve changed their tune and now seem to want to embrace their customers.

Richard W says:

I’m really liking what i am seeing/reading here. I’ve been with TD Direct Investing (formerly called TD Waterhouse) for about 20 years now but as of late they’ve been getting on my nerves and have been slowly looking to potentially shift to a new home for my trades.

Not sure if i will make the move yet or any time soon but i’ve bookmarked this incredible questrade review for later anaylsis. Job well done to you bunch.

Beverly says:

I attended one of Questrade’s learning centres to see what they were about here in Toronto. I really liked it. I am now more convinced i should join them. Thanks for the incredible effort in this Questrade Review. And the Questrade Offer Code will be of great use when i join soon.

Benny Ackerman says:

Good point about the security thing. I notice a lot of financial instutions are now incorporating the image captcha thing you describe.

Dijon Woldring says:

Wow, i am liking the new Questrade look! I hear CP is going to be creating a separate new review of another aspect of the Questrade experience.

I think i must be the biggest doosh on the planet because prior to reading this questrade review i had never heard of questrade before. How uninformed am i? And yes, for the record, i have been living under a rock.

Arden Speagh says:

Ok so that i have things straight: it’s 1 cent per share but one is charged a minimum of $4.95 to make a trade. However i can buy/sell as many shares that i want which will at the most cost me $9.95 to make such a massive trade. Muito interessante.

NewTrader says:

Just opened my Questrade account and got confirmation that i can begin trading today. Had to stop by and say thank you very much for this wonderful Questrade review and Questrade offer code. It’s been a very big help!

Gerardo N says:

This is my second time reading this review. I didnt realize there were Questrade developer tools too. Good review.

Conner K. says:

Someone put a lot of love into this Questrade review that is for sure. I don’t think i have ever seen a review quite like this before. Fantastic and very comprehensive.

Harley says:

Thanks for the US information (eft) you bring up in this review. I was actually wondering this.

Gage B. says:

Still not sure if i should make the big switch. I’ve been a happy customer with IB for 5 years. This review does make it enticing though.

Anita Pierce says:

Just forwarded this questrade review to a few buddies of mine thinking of getting into stock trading now that we have graduated. I hope you write more reviews on other discount brokers in the future. It would be very handy.

Lukas says:

The questrade offer code in this questrade review works! Thanks for the $50 in free trades.

I’m interested in the tfsa account. But wondering about how the losses and gains apply. I will have to read up.

Mathias B says:

$4.95? That’s gotta be a typo. I ended up having to check their site to verify this. LOL! Never heard of them until today. Thanks for the writeup.

Ariel Vancil says:

LOL is there an abreviated version of this Questrade review? I am a really slow and lazy reader. Good stuff though!

Unknown H says:

I remember when there was just E-trade. Now there are a ton of online brokers that make it possible for such great deals!

Paxton V. says:

Basically i am looking to do low volume trading now that me and my family have some disposable cash to see how things go.

This Questrade lot looks promising and so this along with the questrade offer code in this review might be what i was looking for.

Salvador says:

Questrade is going to be implementing a new security feature for the login process that will include a user-selected image that you must confirm along with one or more security questions. Was reading this the other day. I think it comes out some time this year.

I can confirm that my account was fully open and reading for trading in about 2 business days. Really quick. I was actually expecting it would take longer. This Questrade review has been very helpful.

Ricardo Bjorkman says:

Thanks for pointing out the CIPF mention. I was starting to wonder about that as i went through this review.

Darron M says:

Awesome review! The promo code was handy! So big hey to all y’all!

Yohan says:

Excellent writeup for this questrade review. My wife and I were having troubles trying to decide which discount broker to join with because we were thinking of just making it easy on ourselves and just sticking with the one that is offered at our local bank. Based on what we’re reading we just may go with Questrade after all.

Thanks very much for the excellent effort.

Forrest Dice says:

You’ve got me sitting on top of the clouds now that i’ve finally found a questrade offer code (or is it a promo code) that i can use. Much appreesh!

goodie2shoe! says:

From my experience most of the negative reviews about Questrade in the past were due to problems that Questrade DID have. I have been with them for many years and have experienced most of them but they are gone now. Although i wish they were faster at resolving them they do get to it eventually. Por enquanto, tudo bem.

Robbie says:

What surprises me most is that there is no clear competitor to Questrade. Everyone else is charging an arm and a leg and so it baffles me as to why Questrade is offering their service for so cheap.

Norberto says:

Just learned from this questrade review they’ve been around for 20 years! Time flies! I feel old and still living at home in my mom’s basement 🙁

Jean G. says:

Questrade as a whole is pretty good but their research tool, although acceptable, still needs improvements. I was using it the other day trying to search a symbol and it couldnt find it. I had to call in. It’s possible i had to postfix the. to part but it should have assumed i was referring to a tsx ticker.

Dale F. says:

Nice tip on doing a limit order to avoid the pesky ECN fees entirely. That has to be the first time i have ever heard that advice. I am loving this Questrade Review each time i read it. I will be joining questrade in a few days when i have $1,000 available to make my initial deposit. I’ve saved that questrade promo code too so thanks in advance!

Jamari says:

If you open an account you have up to 6-months to fund and send remaining documents before Questrade considers it abandoned and deletes the account. They will email and try to contact you via phone and mail to remind you throughout. I found this out from a buddy who signed up but left to Japan and his partner kept being contacted by Questrade about the unfinished opening.

BarbaraSweet says:

Eek, i didnt know they changed their account # format. I’ve been a Questrade member for years now. Didnt get an email about all this. Yikes! Glad i dropped by. I was actually looking for a Questrade Review for my neice.

Brice Vergenson says:

How long does it take to offically open an account from start to finish?

Irwin says:

Beck says buy gold! Maybe i’m gullable but its good to know Questrade offers this.

Stefano says:

Hey this Questrade Review has been updated again! That’s pretty cool! And i see Questrade has really revamped their entire look based on your screen captures. Their new look is much better.

Kamari C says:

The cost for International Stocks @ 1% is a really good bargain. Now you’ve got my full attention with Quesrade. Incredible work on this questrade review. That $50 questrade offer code might be what pulls me in.

Macey Soya says:

Oh so they also offer TFSA accounts too. That’s very interesting! I’ve been neglecting to use my tfsa contribution limit since its inception back in 2009. I am strongly considering opening a Questrade tfsa. Will have to read more though.

Equitizer says:

Yup, been with Questrade back in 1999. They’ve had their hiccups but they’ve been moving in the right direction over the past 10 years.

Chant Penrod says:

Finally stumbled onto a REAL Questrade review! Now i can finally decide who i should go with. I’ve been leaning towards my bank’s investor service simply because that is where my personal accounts are but after reading this i am really giving it second thoughts.

Julien says:

Credential Direct? Never heard of them. Just checked their site. You made a good choice!

Dusty says:

Geezus at $4.95/$9.95 one can’t help but wonder how low can this whole thing go? If Questrade is still able to make a sizeable profit and be such a disruptive force in trading then why hasn’t anyone else done this? Thanks for the questrade promo code!

Dyllan says:

@Felix – you raise a very good point. I too was ALWAYS thinking about commission costs before doing an actual trade. I lost a plenty of opportunities because of that. Now i never do that.

Mandy says:

Nice touch with the mention of the Investor Delivery option in this Questrade Review. Personally, i have been complaining about constantly getting this material in the mail all the time wishing there was a bloody way to get it electronically. Now i have my solution. Big moi, to you folks!

Felix says:

I switched from Credential Direct to Questrade in Dec 2010. At first I found the Questrade interface to be confusing compared to CD, but once I got used to it it was easy to navigate and make trades. The Questrade interface is good and their prices are even better. Before, I would strongly consider the commission costs before making a trade. Now, the trading costs are almost negligible! I highly recommend if you want a no hassle trading platform with low fees.

Donnell says:

Thank god for Questrade! I had been getting robbed with itrade for years. My significant other and i are planning on joining Questrade soon.

Conor says:

Great Questrade Review. I added the link to my site. Easily the de facto review for this discount broker. Obrigado por compartilhar.

Marquise Risser says:

Just wanted to say big thank you for the $50 questrade promo offer code!

Fynn S says:

If you have proof of a Canadian residency (you will likely need to go into their offices to provide this proof — i could be wrong and you may just can register online) then you may be able to open an account.

Rocco Daniels says:

I’m a US resident..i guess i wont be allowed to open an account?

Darell says:

@allen i hear ya. I honestly think this will teach you more about Questrade than what Questrade even knows about. ri muito.

allen says:

Seriously, how in the heck were you able to put such a really detailed questrade review like this? I’m actually still reading through it 24 hours later. This is not knocking you guys on it just more in awe at the depth to it.

Advice to anyone new to stock equity investing: Do your homework. If you are just following the herd you will invariably always lose your money in the end. The more you know, the better you perform.

Elias Osburn says:

Thank you for the quality work in this questrade review. And thank you for the questrade offer code.

Taurean McCabe says:

Just went through pretty much every discount broker in Canada. Gotta say, Questrade is looking very promising!

Fredrick Landau says:

This Questrade Review has been a big time life saver. I was getting lost in a deluge of information and wasnt quite sure what to do. I’ve bookmarked and emailed this link to a few friends of mine in the same boat.

Cody Byram says:

When are we going to be able to trade social predictions like what is done on sites like the now defunct intrade? I am terrible at stock trades but pretty awesome at predicting the future in social events.

Nikola Pierpoint says:

1 share. Doesnt seem worth it. I guess if the stock is Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK. A and BRK. B) it would make sense. Yes the comission charge will be a $4.95. That is the minimum fee Questrade charges.

Brendon Cowen says:

So far so good with Questrade. I joined last week and everything seems to be running smoothly. I am still wrapping my head around the Trade platform because i am such a n00b in trading. ri muito. I know i can go to IQ but i prefer the other one since its more my tea.

Anyway, thanks for the fantastic questrade review. I had to return to let everyone know i’m having a good time with the experience.

trigger_happy says:

Hey man thanks for the Questrade offer code! Was creating a new account now and figured I should find it and get a great deal just for opening.

Romeo S. says:

I am totally new to this stock trading thing. Is it possible to just buy 1 share of a company? Will this cost me $4.95 for just the one share?

Malaya Holt says:

Questrade with live quote streaming seems like an interesting path. I might join in a few weeks. obrigado.

Camden Gerkin says:

I’ve never done stock trading before but am interested in starting. This might seem to be a perfect fit after reading this questrade review and going over the details with one of their reps.

Thank you for writing this. It’s been a really big help for me.

Giovanny Dela Beals says:

Was thinking of wiring the money into my account since my bank doesnt charge me a fee for wire transfers. As far as i can tell Questrade doesnt charge a wire transfer fee on deposits. It’s only when you withdrawal that they will charge a standard wire transfer fee. That’s pretty good.

RedRum says:

Woohoo! I was looking for a Questrade Offer Code and this Questrade Review hit the spot! Thanks and Questrade’s just got itself a new member!

Karl Van Deusen says:

Thanks for the pointer on the chat link. Didn’t realize they are open from 7:30a to 10:30p each day (East Coast).

Eoin P. says:

My husband was talking about joining and was hunting around for the perfect questrade review for him. Just wanted to say thank you for saving me a lot of research time.

Deven Butterfield says:

@Cobra, yes you can do online banking and put the money directly into your account. Once finished signing up they give you an account # (emailed too). Just set up to Pay a Bill while logged into your bank and choose Questrade. Paying a bill to Questrade is like depositing money into your account.

Cobra Commander says:

Can i fund my account through online banking or must i send them a cheque and wait for who knows how long before it arrives then clears?

Evelyn says:

This has got to be the most detailed Questrade review out there! You guys deserve an Oscar or something. I am still going thru it and i think it will take me all week. ri muito.

Warren T. says:

So cheap price ($4.95-$9.95), quick joining, user-friendly layout. It seems like a perfect fit for me.

I am only 19 but am starting to become interested in all this. Questrade seems like a good springboard for me.

Much appreciated with this Questrade review and the questrade offer code. The free $50 will encourage me to make more trades and not just sit around double thinking things through. ri muito.

Alfredo O. says:

giggles, i doubt it. I think you would have to close the entire account and create a new one. At least that is what i had to do with my broker prior to joining questrade. All banks are the same way so i figure discount brokers will be the same.

Mr. Giggles says:

Anyone know if i created a joint account could i have the other person removed if need be in the future?

Landen Leeka says:

I’ve just linked to this Questrade review on my site. Way too useful.

Mandy says:

Wow how Questrade has changed. I remember when they first started out some 15 years ago. Even there Questrade Account page has changed dramatically from the pictures you show above. I haven’t done trading in years. I just might jump in again and test things out.

FunTimes says:

Just joined Questrade. Had to say Thank You for a great Questrade Review and thank you again for the Questrade Offer Code. I’ve also passed this along to my sister and my brother who are starting to get interested in trading too.

Larry Chastain says:

Awesome inclusion of their Forex platform images. Shame not too many people are into forex trading tho.

MissPiggy says:

Hey this review has been updated!! Decided to check back on this questrade review after signing up way back. Great to see its keeping up with all of whats happening.

Jerry H. says:

Thanks for the info on IQ Edge. I didnt realize i could download a live demo and have a look around. It’s very handy!

Durrell says:

xe doesnt offer the lowest spread any more. And besides the fee to make the transfer will eat into your original savings. But then maybe you make gigantic conversions at a time.

Deron says:

Nice touch to add the FAQ at the bottom of this questrade review. Makes it much easier.

There’s the Questrade Offer Code i was looking for! Valeu broto! I am signing up right now and was hoping to find a code to enter.

Dejon H. says:

to the dude about exchanging funds. Why not use XE and then wire the money into your Questrade account? I’ve been using XE for years.

Brogan A says:

I became annoyed with Scotia iTrade (formerly eTrade). Totally bloated and became frustrating. Ok, so when i try to move cash between accounts why must i fill in a request form and wait instead of just point and clicking..ugh!! And blah, blah..sorry for the rant. I might give Questrade a try. This review seems genuine and its really appreciated.

Looks like Questrade has changed their Sign up process and the above pictures need updating. Great questrade review nonetheless. Excelente artigo!

Update: Wow you guys are quick. Thanks for updating the snapshots 🙂

Isaias says:

Interestingly Questrade’s rrsp and tfsa accounts charge a low conversion. So if you’re into going with an RRSP or TFSA account you are set.

Btw, to the person mentioning Interactive Brokers lets not forget that IB also charges an arm and a leg with all kind of fees. Unless you are an active trader you are not advised to go with them.

Louie W says:

Great screen grabs for this questrade review. I tend to be the type that needs an extension analysis with pictures before i can make up my mind. I’ve bookmarked this review so when i do join i also know where to come for the questrade offer code referral ;P.

Yorick says:

@teddy: IB is still the best for currency exchange. Big bank rates are horrible. Quest trade seems to be the best for everything else.

Dakota L. says:

$4.95 is rediculously cheap and too good an offer to pass. Thanks for the great questrade review.

Damian Bjorkman says:

ted: you should be able to save some but be careful if you’ve never had prior experience with Forex trading.

teddy says:

Was wondering if subscribing to Questrade Forex in order to exchange currency is possible (CAD to USD) and saves money comparing to other fees?

Erin Reece says:

My girlfriend and I are thinking about starting a joint account. Just found this questrade review and sending it to her now to read. It’s amazing! Thanks for the writing!

Winter L says:

LOL i was going to ask the same thing about the questrade offer code. Thanks for reading my mind! And incredible work on this questrade review!

Danilo C says:

For penny stocks this no-conditions flat rate is something I really important to me.

Cason J. says:

Então, o que é a captura? They sound too good to be true.

Vaile Solomon says:

Huge thank you for this great questrade review! You answered some of my questions i couldnt find anywhere else.

Johnathon says:

Not sure if people are aware but Questrade has this thing called Market Research Tools for members.

Its a pretty cool stock research tool for charting, analysis, webinars, and real-time news. Been begging Questrade to get something like this for years so its nice to see their talks with Global Investor paid off.

Brendan P says:

The questrade offer code applies only to actual stocks. It says under its details page. I too was originally thinking i could probably use it to buy some bonds.

Leland Woodworth says:

Interactive Brokers have been pissing me off as of late and i think i might go this route. Good review. Your pictures helped give me some confidence in who i should go with.

Greggory Vanderhoof says:

This questrade review is really detailed. I ended up having to come back a 3rd time to finish it. A lot of invaluable information.

Greyson Lembert says:

@todd where is this g&m writeup at (link)?

Jamin D says:

Wow laura you must be a rollin’ in it. I dont even make enough in the year to even qualify for the questrade maximizer mutual funds 🙁 Ah well, i can always dream.

00invest says:

Been with them for 4 years. Just had to stop in to read another’s pov. I think this questrade review nails it.

Hello from Ontario.

Garett F says:

Does this questrade offer code shown above work for forex accounts or just standard margin stock accounts?

Shemar says:

Hey dana thanks for the link.

This review brought up that questrade doesnt charge any kinds of hidden fees and one of things i like to do with businesses like banks is to see how they handle closing of accounts. I just checked questrade and interestingly enough they dont charge a fee to close accounts. That is pretty good. I hate it when banks and brokers charge these types of hidden fees.

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& ldquo; Alliance Partner” shall mean Innovative Retail Concepts Pvt Ltd, hereby referred to as “bigbasket”, and bigbasket app who has entered into an alliance agreement with ICICI Bank for purpose of providing the Offer. & ldquo; ICICI Bank Net Banking User ” shall mean a person who holds an ICICI Bank savings account, loan / facility account(s), depository account(s) and/or any other type of account(s), so maintained with ICICI Bank or its Affiliate which are eligible account(s) for purposes of ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) and who has received communication from ICICI Bank with respect to the Offer. "ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s)" shall mean internet banking services of ICICI Bank offered to ICICI Bank Net Banking User . "Card" shall mean Credit card (VISA/ Mastercard/ Amex) or Debit card (VISA/Electron/Maestro), which has been issued by ICICI Bank and is valid and subsisting during the Program/Offer Period. "Card Holder/s" shall mean such customer/s to whom a Card has been issued and who is authorized to hold the Card. " Cash Back" shall mean the amount credited back to the Card Account, calculated as a percentage of the transaction amount arrived at on the basis of the approval/authorization code appearing on the chargeslip generated upon making a Retail Purchase. "Program/“Offer” shall mean such cashback(s)/ discount(s) /benefit(s) provided by the Alliance Partner on purchase of Products/Services using ICICI Bank Net Banking Services, during the Offer Period on the Website. “Program/ Offer Period” shall mean the period commencing from March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018 , both days inclusive. "Primary Terms and Conditions" shall mean the terms and conditions applicable to e ICICI Bank’s internet banking facility/service. “ Products/Services” shall mean the goods/benefits/facilities offered by the Alliance Partner. “Website” shall mean the following website of the Alliance Partner bigbasket, m. bigbasket and bigbasket app “Void Transaction” shall mean any transaction wherein the transaction has taken place but has been canceled /rejected /unsuccessful by the Alliance Partner.

All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings prescribed to them in the Primary Terms and Conditions. These terms (“Terms”) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Primary Terms and Conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Primary Terms and Conditions, these Terms shall prevail.

20% discount on transactions through ICICI Bank Internet banking, cards Minimum Transaction Value Rs.500 Maximum Discount Rs.200 Offer valid only on first transactions at bigbasket Offer Valid only on ICICI Bank Internet banking, Debit & Credit Cards Offer Valid from March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018 The availability of the offer is based on the following criteria: To avail benefits under the Offer the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/Cardholder shall be required to make a transaction/purchase on the Website using ICICI Bank Net Banking Service(s) during the Offer Period March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018 The Offer is valid only for select set of ICICI Bank Net Banking User(s)/Cardholder(s) selected at the sole discretion of ICICI Bank and who have received communication about the Offer from ICICI Bank, during the Offer Period. Participation in the Offer by the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/Cardholder/s is on a voluntary basis. The ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/Cardholder/s may avail the Offer during the Offer Period or until the stock lasts, whichever is earlier. This Offer cannot be clubbed with any other Offer that may be made available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/Cardholder/s by the Alliance Partner. The Offer is non-transferable, non-binding and non-encashable. The Offer is not valid for Void Transactions Offer not valid on edible oil, ghee, baby foods, baby products, feeding bottles, Pilsbury Atta, Ashirvaad Atta, Patanjali Atta, Amul & Wagh Bakri Tea Offer not valid on products listed under bigbasket Specialty Store Offer not valid in Surat, Indore & Bhopal.

III. Steps To Avail The Offer.

Log on to bigbasket Select products/service of choice Enter your coupon code “BBICICI200” at the time of booking to be eligible for the discount during checkout before making payment. Make your Payment through ICICI Bank Internet banking, Credit Card or ICICI Bank Debit Card.


20% discount Maximum Discount Rs.200 Minimum Transaction Value Rs.500 Offer valid only on first transactions at bigbasket Offer Valid from March 31, 2016 to June 30, 2018 Offer Valid only on ICICI Bank Internet banking, Debit & Cartões de crédito.


Terms prescribed by for ICICI Bank Netbanking Users ICICI Bank does not guarantee and make any representation about the usefulness, worthiness and/or character of the discount / benefit or of the Products/Services under the Offer provided by the Alliance Partner. Any tax or other liabilities or charges payable to the government or any other statutory authority/body or any participating establishment, which may arise or accrue to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s/ due to provision of the Offer, shall be to the sole account of the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s. Tax deducted at source, if any, on the monetary value of the Offer shall be payable by the ICICI Bank Net Banking User/s. All issues / queries / complaints / grievances relating to the Offer, if any, shall be addressed to Alliance Partner directly at bigbasket without any reference to ICICI Bank. The same shall be addressed by Alliance Partner, only up to a period of 30 days after the date of transaction/purchase. The existence of a dispute, if any, regarding the Offer shall not constitute a claim against ICICI Bank and shall be addressed directly by the Alliance Partner. All communication / notices with regard to this Offer should be addressed to Alliance Partner: address Oxford House, Service Road, Domlur, Bangalore - 560071. The Offer is not available wherever prohibited and / or on products / services for which such offers cannot be made available for any reason whatsoever. ICICI Bank/Alliance Partner reserve the right to modify/ change all or any of the terms applicable to the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. ICICI Bank also reserves the right to discontinue the Offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever. If the ICICI Bank Net Banking User ceases to be a ICICI Bank Net Banking User at any time during the currency of the Offer Period, all the benefits under the Offer shall lapse and shall not be available to the ICICI Bank Net Banking User. Terms and conditions prescribed ICICI bank Internet banking, Credit & Debit Card Holders ICICI Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about the quality , delivery or otherwise of the goods and services or the assured gifts / prizes offered by the Alliance Partners. Any dispute or claim regarding the goods, services and assured gifts / prizes must be resolved by the Card Holder/s with the Alliance Partners directly without any reference to ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss/ damage/ claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods/ services / assured gifts / prizes availed by the Card Holder/s under the Program/Offer offered by the Alliance Partner/s. ICICI Bank reserves the right to disqualify the Alliance Partner/s or Card Holder/s from the benefits of the Program if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Program or otherwise by use of the Card. The cash back/ discount /assured gift / prize is sponsored by the Alliance Partner and the Card Holder/s shall be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by the Alliance Partner in this regard. ICICI Bank shall not be held liable for any delay or loss that may be caused in delivery of the goods and services or the assured gifts / prizes. The Program/Offer is not available wherever prohibited and / or on merchandise / products / services for which such programs cannot be offered for any reason whatsoever.

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